Our youth do not have the years of wisdom many of their teachers, counselors, and educators have from living more life on this earth than they. The video concluded with a final comforting message: "When it rains, look for rainbows. On National Teacher Day, here are 15 inspiring quotes for teachers during the pandemic, courtesy of Parade and Teach Thought. This is the second time in its history that a BOV committee met virtually under rules established by the Attorney General in response to the State of Emergency in Virginia. Set the table and do the dishes. I am enormously grateful for the W&M communitys commitment to these three goals over the past eight months and we must remain vigilant. Please watch your email for a link from the Testing Coordination Team. These decisions will have consequences for each of us professionally and personally. And finally, how W&M might take the lead in issuing broad calls to service at this critical time, in order to strengthen our communities near and far. Our goal is to host a grand celebration in May 2021 for the Class of 2020, with all the joy and the cherished traditions that make W&M Commencements special. Heres what they said: Out of the hundreds of teachers who told us what they wanted students to know, 100% started by saying they miss them. It made my day," one third grade student wrote to him in an email. Compliance with these requirements is mandatory for this period. You become an investigative reporter. We are working to identify and support any students who might have equipment, connectivity or other assistance needs in accessing online instruction. We remind the community of CDC guidelines and recommendations, which include a self-quarantine of 14 days after travel abroad in specific regions. During the social distancing of COVID-19, we have been looking for ways to stay in close contact with you. We will redouble our efforts to support one another, to reach out and to commit to making choices that minimize risk to all. Special Celebrations and New Traditions Planned for this May We must also find meaningful ways to celebrate the Class of 2020 this spring. - George Burns. I have heard from so many of you over the last week and our sense of shared purpose is strong. Thank you for helping to safeguard the health of your fellow W&M students, as well as faculty, staff and members of our neighboring community. Duty Offices in Residence Halls will remain closed at this time. The following are available for consultation and referral as needed: Undergraduates: Shelly Laurenzo, Office of Academic AdvisingGraduate School of A&S: Chasity Roberts, Assistant to the DeanGraduate School of Ed: Jim Barber (returning students), Dot Osborne (new students)Other Graduate Schools: Contact your school registrar. Thank you for the questions you have submitted through the Path Forward website and via email. We love our students like our own children and this separation is painful. Visit. The work ahead will continue to be challenging in unprecedented ways and uncertainty will remain high. All have agreed explicitly to our guidelines as a condition of learning or employment: masking and physical distancing, hygiene, participation in testing and contact-tracing, self-quarantine and isolation and staying home when sick. By Friday, we will provide additional guidance on planning underway to support students, families, staff and faculty. I am especially grateful to the students who have been on campus for several weeks already and who are modeling the way. The Student Health Center remains open to students by appointment only. Starting next week, we will begin a program of prevalence testing, beginning with an initial sampling of 5% of the student body and 2% of the employee/contractor population. Testing is a critical part of the commitment we make to mitigate risks associated with COVID-19. We are establishing a testing program that goes above and beyond state health and CDC guidelines and is designed to be responsive to the most at-risk populations within our community. Meanwhile, 33% of teachers. They are based in our shared values of respect and flourishing, by which we empower those who live, learn and work here to make choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. I just really miss them. Cory L. I hope you are all safe and healthy. The deadline for student training has been extended to Friday, Aug. 28. Plus, her advice to students who might have a little more time with stay-at-home orders is to pay special attention to fostering relationships. Fully-embraced, these habits of care and respect will have a direct impact on the trajectory of W&Ms fall semester. Cognitively: studying together speeds and deepens learning in myriad ways. I feel great pride in our communitys shared commitment to this effort, despite the sacrifices that it has entailed. The creativity and resilience of our people have proved our most valuable resources. That total includes 1,345 student cases and 372 staff cases. Celebrating together, in person, continues to be our goal. Next week we will update the campus on financial projections for FY21. Employees or contract workers with positions that cannot maintain physical distancing, or where other work modifications to reduce virus spread are infeasible and impractical, will be tested prior to working with students. Simply browse our wellness departments' resource pages or our App and dive into something that speaks to you. W&M will provide each student a free COVID-19 saliva test, mailed in advance of returning. William & Mary employees are preparing for students to return to campus in early August. William & Marys funding model centers on people. We must do all in our power to protect one another. "I was so happy when I saw it. Just more than a week ago, I wrote to you with the difficult news that William & Mary would need to finish the semester remotely. AUSTIN (KXAN) COVID-19 has shuttered many parts of daily life for a lot of people, including what teacher's describe to KXAN as the value of meeting with them in person. 2023 E! First, I want to thank you for your continued patience as the university finalizes the details that will allow us to issue student rebates. Our researchers have pooled their PPEs and shared them with local hospitals resources we hope will extend the safety of our courageous local healthcare providers on the front line. This fall, faculty and staff adapted to telework, new research requirements, blended learning, and a transformed campus environment; more than 500 staff and administrators took on entirely new jobs, working flat out to create a robust testing, quarantine & isolation, and case management program, mentoring for students studying off-campus, and more. Integrity is one of William & Marys core values and a hallmark of this community. "They reached out, said, You know we're feeling that our students aren't feeling connected to school. As we navigate cost-saving measures, our mission remains our north star. One key aspect of this program is COVID-19 prevalence testing, by which random samples of students and employees are chosen periodically to take COVID-19 tests so the university can rapidly assess potential community spread. ET, for a conversation on health and wellness. Students who experience symptoms over the course of the semester should make an appointment with the Student Health Center for a clinical assessment and testing if necessary. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government closed all New York City public schools last week. We are firm in our convictionsour actionswillbe swift anddirectfor those who arent following theguidelineswe have in place. This message was sent to students, staff, faculty and other academic personnel at the University of Washington's Bothell and Seattle campuses on behalf of the UW Advisory Committee on Communicable Diseases. -- Ed. Working as swiftly as they can, they will apply eligible rebates no later than April 10. Students may access the video series through Blackboard, and must view the training by 5 p.m. Amid pandemic, there is no place that individual choices are without consequence to the health of the William & Mary community. "Thank you very much for doing that video. Each loss, shared and personal, compounds anxiety and hardship. Start and end dates will remain as published on the University Registrars website. So its important to be clear that W&M will be holding student groups and individual students accountable, as appropriate, when they do not comply. That I love them Michelle T. I miss them. Please continue to save September 25-27, 2020, on your calendar and expect to receive more details regarding a schedule of virtual events via email, social media and our website as the summer progresses. Whenever possible, we will seek opportunities to enable some events through virtual means and platforms. And remember: We're not gonna' let COVID-19 beat us. Student tuition and fees make up our biggest source of revenue. This year's National Teacher Appreciation Week is happening under the unprecedented hardships that the COVID-19 pandemic has imposed on us. Additional information about testing plans and protocols will be shared later this month details are being finalized in collaboration with a partnering third-party healthcare provider. "I was so happy when I saw it. Even if its just a pen and lined paper. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss. Editors note: Phased planning has amended some information included in the July 31 message. Being away from our students has been a rude awakening, and were feeling all kinds of emotions. May we continue to take care of each other. Glue/tape recycled things together to make a sculpture. The administration and the Emergency Management Team have responded effectively from the very beginning of this pandemic and will continue to work to protect the safety of our community. With our determination and steadfast efforts, we are also mourning: a lecture, a birthday, the long-awaited symposium, a team road trip, and so much more. The ability to physically distance within a space does not eliminate the above requirements. Be kind to your little brother and your older sister. They are merely waiting in the wings until its safe enough to be back in the classroom. Here are two web resources that provide additional information: Connecting remotely to campus IT resources. ET. Though the University of Texas has thousands of students, professors are hoping to give students some of the closure they will miss. The lessons we are learning in flexibility, humility, and generosity in the face of uncertainty will sustain William & Mary this spring and beyond. We are planning a phased move-in for undergraduate students living in on-campus housing. I write also to acknowledge the incredible difficulty of what we are undertaking. We'd love to know what messages are giving you strength, today and every day. Students will receive a self-administered, mail-in test kit prior to coming to campus. As we navigate this new territory together, that spirit of partnership will be essential. Graduate schools will be in direct contact with students by the end of October regarding spring break days and other academic calendar considerations. Just days before New Jersey GovernorPhil Murphyannounced schools in the state will remain closed for this academic year, staff from a Bridgewater elementary school virtually banded together to spread an uplifting message to their students. We recognize the uncertainty so many are feeling. $3.50. On-campus services (residence halls, dining, etc.) Students may not gather in groups of more than 10 people. On June 12, 2020 William & Mary released its planning process for the coming semester the Path Forward: Fall 2020. Please reach out to the graduating students around you and support them. We continue to be guided first and foremost by the advice of our local health authorities. After discussion with Student Assembly leadership, we are also emphasizing the following for this coming week: Thank you again for taking the necessary steps to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on our campus and in the local community. The use of remote proctoring does not diminish, in any way, the Honor Code or students pledge to uphold it. I am confident we will be able to create a strong and supportive community. In June we will have more details to share about ways we can prepare for the upcoming academic year. Below my signature, you will find a high-level view of our current operations under the pandemic and an introduction to our planning process for next year. of Education. We must be attentive to the changed circumstances of families and organizations in Virginia and around the world. Like many other educators during the COVID-19 pandemic, she struggles in both her work and personal life. For employees, they will help transition to remote work or leave, coordinate notification to departments and arrange cleaning and disinfecting. It has been moving, and heartening, to listen as this unprecedented shift has taken place. We bring together exceptional people to learn and pursue knowledge at the highest levels. We know how challenging learning has been during the pandemic. As teachers we encourage our people to remain at home, minimize movements and maintain social distance. The self-collected saliva test is administered through Clinical Reference Laboratory as part of the network of labs that includes VCU Health, our health care partner. When we experience emotions like sadness and anxiety, research suggests that expressing them through visual and performing arts is one of the most effective ways to address them. William & Marys response to the pandemic and reopening follows Commonwealth guidelines. When she went into her classroom to gather her things for the end of the year, she said it was unrecognizable. Thank you for your cooperation. Our comprehensive testing and case management programs actively seek positive cases on campus so we can prevent them from further circulating in the community, provide individuals needed care and limit the opportunity for spread. In this as in other respects, Fall 2020 will be very different at W&M. Please note that intentional submissionsof false reports are subject to disciplinary action. Please use this. "The Lord gives His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers". Please join us on Friday to hear more about how this week unfolded, from teachers and students perspectives. We are deeply cognizant of the financial vulnerability felt by our students and families and we will continue to provide support, beginning with the following actions. Happy Teacher Appreciation Day from the Career and Technical Education Team. PDF. Best wishes as W&M moves forward into this new virtual educational environment. The May planning process described below aligns with similar planning at Virginias public higher education institutions and with the Dept. Its been tough, and she said an added challenge for her students is having the equipment to connect with her virtually, whether its because of not having the means or not having internet access . Over the next week we will move to online and remote modes of instruction. Programs or events sponsored by the university or student groups will continue to be limited to 50 people, with required masks and physical distancing. The clear throughline in everything that has been shared with me over the past week is care for others. Students should call ahead to schedule an appointment. Well be adding specific information about W&M positive rates if/when they rise to the reporting threshold required. We track the Virginia Department of Health guidelines daily.Bringing our campus back together safely is an enormous task and also a hopeful one because it is a key step in the path forward to a post-COVID-19 William & Mary. That said, in barely three weeks, our world has shifted and our lives changed. If so, you will be notified by email and will be given instructions for making a testing appointment. In our residential setting, we interpret this as roommate/suitemate groups. Symptomatic individuals awaiting test results will need to self-quarantine, rather than remain in their assigned residence halls. Our goal is to be able to resume learning in-person in the fall, so long as it is safe to do so. Five coordinated teams will focus on short-term solutions for mission-critical areas of the university: curricular flexibility, operational resilience, how we might de-densify campus spaces, how we might expand career pathways for graduating seniors and recent alumni. All of our lives have been upended by COVID-19 and we will all be balancing competing demands for some time to come. COVID-19 testing for those employees required to show negative tests before return to campus will continue as scheduled. We are here for you. Case managers will be assigned after you have completed the intake form at ReportCOVID.wm.edu. Next week we will also share our expectations about work conditions after June 10, based on the Governors evolving guidance. With students due to return from spring break and reports of presumptive cases in our region, we are taking further steps to ensure we meet these goals.