Your keen perception allows you to discover the truth about the human condition, and how to ultimately help. Something that helps me is meditation, thats what I used to do when I was scared or when I was afraid but with time I have learnt to become one. Comprehensive numerology will reveal other details about you, like your soul urge and your life path number. A person, usually a teenager or young adult who does not and can not comply with modern society, who is highly evolved spiritually and is believed to have come here in this time to aid in the transition of the energies of earth in the near future. This is a very special place. We carried amethysts and rose quartz. This is why indigo children often choose less lucrative, but more fulfilling careers in the arts or in professions that help others. I am particularly fond of math and logic puzzles too. My friend and I would wear those costumes constantly to school and were ridiculed by the popular sports click and we would just laugh at them!!! Indigo children are so named because of a distinct indigo tint in their aura. Indigo children are light-bearers who are driven by the sole purpose in life: to awaken humanity. I was that child that bored easily and drift off into conversation with my friend and still be able to know exactly what the teacher has been waffling on about for the last 10 minutes. Despite having some different indigo child traits, all indigo children feel an urge to make things better for humanity. They are our mirrors. If they are able to, they may rescue animals or support animal charities. Read more about. I didnt recognize that I had one and three until much later in life. Namaste. The first generation, which was called Alpha, includes children born in the period between1958 and 1968. I was stuck in my head by the bank of this river, having these thoughts as I watched the diverse group of insects all fly around this flower. Hack out the old order and prepare for the Crystal generation and in turn the Rainbow generation who come with no karma -new souls , they all have the sixth house vibration Service to humanity . Youre more mature than most people your age. Didn't understand why others don't see the world as they do, i.e. So are you an indigo child? Have any thoughts to share? Your challenge is to let your years catch up to you. They are defined by their powerful drive to change the world. I am also constantly happy. While there is no evidence to support the claim that Indigo children are real, many people believe that they are. I had a strong feeling I was about to die in 2-3 years if I did not stop. Remember how Nancy Ann Tappe called herself a synesthete? 7. 6. The Dark Night of the Soulis a period that can be particularly difficult because it is the final return of an indigo person to their mission in this life. I always felt I knew many things better than adults, and therefore could not stand any authority; I was rebellious and a-social (until I met like-natured people in my 20-s). You have a feeling you are special in some way but not in a narcissistic way. 133 Comments. Im Alpha Indigo born 1960, Scandinavia, Europe. They are intelligent. They are the kids who cant stop asking why? While others will accept a trope answer, indigos want to dig below the surface until they truly understand the thing in question. Tappe claims that these internal experiences may include: having a clear insight, direction, and possible internal communication with the spirit world; the ability to read thoughts, feelings, and intentions of others; understanding the parallel levels of reality; a true insight into the nature of time. Ive always been told Im much wiser beyond my years and that i possibly have a much older soul. Indigo people (include children, teenagers and adults). Others claim that signs of being an indigo child are so vague they can apply to anyone (this is called the Forer effect). Maybe you just know someone who is part of the Indigo generations. 6 Keys to a Happy Life Most People Neglect, The Power of Misfits: How to Find Your Place in a World You Dont Fit In, 1984 Quotes about Control That Are Scarily Relatable to Our Society, 10 Signs of Negative Energy in a Person to Pay Attention to, 6 Things to Do Before the New Year to Make Your Life Better. This isnt to say you think highly of yourself or like you are going to be an important historical figure, just that you have a sense of duty and purpose in this life. Unfortunately, this may give you the appearance of a loner or rebel. This intuition often manifests itself as a gut feeling about people or situations. These traits often put indigo children at odds with established authority. The period of their awakeningcoincides, roughly, with the period between1996 and 2006. Identifying with this label helps us to develop self-understanding and acceptance, which are important elements of spiritual growth. Every time you see or hear of violence, destruction, and cruelty, you feel sorrow and anger. Just know that you should always trust your intuition and everything that you face and see was just meant for you. The period of maturation and spiritual awakeningof the delta generation coincides with the periodfrom 2016 until 2026. Nonetheless, your idealism is what helps you to strive for the highest and do the absolute best you can for the planet. You dont inherently respect authority. Star Children are all the Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal Children on the Planet. A medium told me I was an adult Indigo in 2010 I became a lightworker . I never felt comfortable doing so, but I read your post and felt compelled to write you. Little by little, light will come to penetrate the darkness. She is the author of hundreds of popular articles, as well as numerous books and journals on the topics of Self-Love, Spiritual Awakening, and more. Since you were little, youve always gravitated towards leadership. If you possess more than half of these traits, youre likely an indigo child: You are a passionate person who will do anything it takes to accomplish your goals or dreams. We value a raw, real, and down-to-earth approach to spirituality. I go easily between heaven and earth. Creative - Indigos may choose careers like writing, painting, sculpting, designing, ( and even blogging!) Every day I do something with love caring people and animals. This is because indigo children often display special gifts like empathy, telepathy, or clairvoyance. Somatic Bodywork: 7 Types For Psychospiritual Healing, 7 Vagus Nerve Exercises For Nervous System Healing, How to Begin a Spiritual Journal (Start Here! Never ignore anything that you see , here or feel. 3. Hi everybody, I am an Indigo Gamma (I guess) and I had my awakening two years and a half ago at 28 years old. Very often, Indigo children are misdiagnosed with, Before you dive into the 22 signs, I therefore highly recommend you get a. . These children are born between1988 and 1998. Thom Dunn 4:38 am Tue Feb 28, 2023. The indigo child is also thought to possess strong intuition and varying spiritual gifts such as the ability to communicate with spirit guides or see visions. As I just mentioned above, indigo children are obsessed with finding the truth this cannot be said of every person or every child. They want to understand why its a rule, and then, if it makes sense, the indigo child will respect it. It has taken me most of my life to understand my strange powers: empathic, apparently somewhat psychic, and an intuitive healer. Comment below! When I realized its importance my spiritual growth was easier. Comprehensive numerology will reveal other details about you, like your soul urge and your life path number. Creativity is a very important indigo child trait. 1. Everyone was hopping on that trend and it got old, so time for a new name - Crystal, which is exactly the same as Indigo but with a different name. I dont like self-proclaiming indigo because it reminds me of part of the problem we face here today. And Im An Indigo Too, I Dont Feel Like This Is The Right Body For Me Because My Spirit And Soul Is So Ancient. By the way, indigo children arent the only people to be so diagnosed. I am also an Indigo child. that allow them to have creative outlets. I believed in sharing ideas and guiding them to find what felt right for them. Indigo children are incredibly passionate about achieving their goals. Indigo adults live with purpose. Are you intuitive, headstrong and perceived as "strange", "antisocial" and "wise beyond your years"? Also referred to as a crystal or star child, an indigo child is a person who has come into this world destined to create change and spiritually awaken humanity. The truth is in it. We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. I am an Alpha Indigo. We wrote this article about Star . For each of the indigo generations, the process of awakening begins aroundthe age of 28-29 yearsand lasts about 7.5 years. Your gift is not for personal fulfillment but for all humanity. You are very confident in yourself and know that you were brought to this world for a reason. I used to go to meetups for this and starseeds, reiki, healers intuitives, I am an empath and learned that early in life and never have I had deep relationships with people my age, always older, but now it is always younger. You are so loved , Delta Indigo, 1994 july 18. Does your child expect to be treated as an equal instead of a child? Are you a spiritual traveler? Tappe claims that autism in children is a way of self-protection from the attack and neurosis of the outside world. Then years later now I realize i lost my suicidal tendencies, became sorta like a martyr and made a vow. People usually guess my age 15 years younger than my actual age. An Indigo Child or Indigo Kid is an upgraded blueprint of humanity, a term that came up when addressing the aura colors of these very different kids. It lasted about 20 mins, and then I opened my book (Sri Isopanisad) and everything I just went over in my head was on the pages, there was no need to even read. Unfortunately, some other indigo child traits cause indigo children to undergo periods of turmoil, especially in their childhood and adolescence. Supposedly this is the last "pure" indigo generation. 2. Im 20 but I started my awakening when I was really young. One indigo child trait that is very obvious is the desire to alter the accepted wisdom in a bid to make everything better. Indigo children are considered to be freethinkers with profound insight into the human condition and an ability to see the truth clearly. I was also that child who knew how intellectual i am and saw how the egg heads were bullied and out cast. Nature is so pure and grounding that you find it a welcome break from the pretension of humanity. I am going to quickly give you an overview of the difference. So they are wrongly labeled as rebels who cause trouble for no reason. Viewed through this lens, indigo children can be seen as just another reaction against the idea that your special little guy or gal could be anything less than perfect. I seem to have indigo qualities but was born five years before the Alpha wave. These children are particularly vulnerable tovarious dermatology problems, allergies, and diseases (especially to those of the upper respiratory tract due to high environmental pollution). My meditations have become so intense at times that they scare me, the sounds that I hear and the things that flash in my minds eye are inexplicable. Everyone wants to feel special and that indigo thing might be something to distract you from your real purpose. 7. An indigo person is intelligent but may be unqualified, creative and artistic, inquisitive, have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), discontent with status quo, can be depressive, independent, strongly empathetic beings, can be emotional . You probably feel like you can hear a higher power urging you to keep true to your purpose. Thats what Ive started doing lately and its more beautiful than I ever imagined. They love to hear about religions and spiritual practices of all kinds, but its very rare for one to adopt a rigid practice of their own. They are often labeled (and misdiagnosed) as having ADD or ADHD because they won't comply with established rules and patterns; and they may exhibit behavioral problems at home and at school. What Is An Indigo Child Or Crystal Child? I have omitted typical signs often mentioned on other websites like sense of entitlement and feeling special and like you should be revered because these, to me, represent narcissism or unhealthy parenting styles more than genuine indigo child signs. If anyone can help me fast forward asap please contact me. While this can cause problems early on, generally indigos figure out how to cope will always feeling a little bit like an outsider. 9. Only The Right Love can change this planet into a better place to live. I have a delta son (92) and an omega son (01). He found religion and started traveling around the world giving "self-help" seminars. You may have felt out of place, and youre looking for the best place to satisfy your curiosity. To you, spirituality is falling in love with the message, and religion is loving the messenger. So my mothers friend can see peoples auras and she said that I have protected aura I dont know is that the thing of indigo children (I would be Omega generation) but I would like to know more about it, I am an Alpha Indigo born in 1965 (Double Gemini/ Double Snake/ 7 life path). Some Indigo's might tone their messages down as a result (I know I have, unless you know me well, even so, I find myself continually thinking 'why am I always the bad person' even though I know I haven't been 'bad' I've been honest and shared some profound wisdom with somebody who doesn't appreciate it yet). Rules were made to be broken in the advent of need to be more efficient and productive without following systems that are not any of that. Please know that you are all blessed and soon enough we will all have a support system. Ive been crying for no reason except maybe bc Im lost w/so much going on & mind racing i cant focus just a big mess of potential. To me these children are the answers to the prayers we all have for peace, Doreen Virtue told the New York Times back in 2006, when the indigo children phenomenon was around the height of its fame. To think so narrowly shows your prejudice towards those who are not as young as you. Perhaps your children are indigos? Even if other people criticize or dont support you, you still keep going no matter what. Unfortunately, medications such as Ritalin and Adderall often end up numbing the indigo child and causing them to lose contact with their intuitive capacities and truth-seeking nature. Youre interested in paranormal topics. Discovering which labels fit you best could take some time. Nancy Ann Tappe first coined the term when she discovered the emergence of a new set of children that produced an indigo aura, a color that she hadnt seen before. There are 3 types of Indigo children who are spiritual beings put on this earth to help the planet shift and evolve. (Free Test), Emotional Trauma Test (Free 2-Minute Quiz). What Is Your True Color Personality Type? We guide spiritual seekers undergoing an awakening to walk the path less travelled, practice inner soul work, and rediscover their interconnected True Nature in the present moment. Do you often feel empowered with a strong desire to change the world? Some how my strong mind and will to adapt and learn to dance with the devil and his demons, endured and overcome to the most intense oppressions and adversities i never asked for and delivered to me by the very people you are meant to trust and love unconditionally. You also tend to struggle with depression sometimes. I just learned of indigo children today, and from the few articles Ive read so far, I definitely feel its possible that I am one. He always asked when first discovered I assume, why am I gold & then one day he said green but them went back to gold. If youre an old soul who feels a strong and profound urge to create change in society, you are likely an indigo child. So, you find you have to set up boundaries so that these obstacles are prevented. When I follow it, I end up receiving data downloads there. So if I was to gage my life, gifts, talents to the guide lines of an indigo child I fall under the intellectual generation being born on the 30th of June 1981 qt 9:46pm Southern hemisphere. They all contain ludicrous Barnum Statements such as You Feel Entitled or You Question Authority or even You Are Destined To Be Here.. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, this means whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, we receive a small percentage of its price at no extra cost to you. They love learning about other explanations for the world around them, knowing how incomplete our current answers are. ! What I did was read alot about the immunity and what to do to increase it so I came across a couple of things and have since then coughed up so much pleghm and mucus which has helped my root chakra become stronger and more stable. Sure, youd love to be rich, but if you have enough money to pay your bills and live comfortably, you arent the kind of person who NEEDS to have more than that. Indigo children are usually aware of the indigo soul mission. But what exactly is an indigo child? Being and giving LOVE. There were also born within the date parameters . We recognize their continued connection to the land and waters of this beautiful place and acknowledge that they never ceded sovereignty. Please dont be sidetracked on what sort of Indigo you are as in the end we all come here with different talents that we have developed along the way. Indigo children: Were usually born into a dysfunctional family or challenging situations. The reason we are here in force goes beyond the aid of Gaia, she is more than capable of looking after herself and we are but a fraction of her children but of course we are the most troublesome currently. The turn of the century was something of a golden age for medical paranoia even notwithstanding todays ivermectin rope worms and rampant vaccine misinformation. It might be a random patch of woods near your home, school, or work calling yougo to it. 92 Comments. Anna LeMind is a psychology enthusiast who holds a bachelor's degree in social sciences. The Indigo Children is a book by Lee Carroll, a channeler for an entity he calls Kryon, and his wife Jan Tober . Love you all! Always levels wrongly, Iam a catalyst indigo child. Courage will replace fear. I get scared at times being alone & having had a negative mind f### is the only way I could describe it when it happened. What Are Indigo Children? All that makes sense to me now. According to Nancy Ann Tappe, the self-proclaimed synesthete (more on that later) who invented the concept, indigo children are a group of "highly evolved" individuals, all of whom share certain psychological traits that mark them as existing outside maybe even above the norm. I dont know.