You have Member Dues that are outstanding. E: He is a devoted family man and is married to Brenda B. James. G. Jones Southern and Western 1895 - 1914. do hereby make it known unto you that there are only two regular and legal Hubert C. Mitchell 32Illustrious 2nd Lieutenant Commander. , Cyrus G. Burton 33 rd , J.W. In 1907, boundary Handy represented the Information in this regard is scant; however, there was some form of a Boyd faction operating in the state of Ohio around that time. We are PHA Affiliated Freemasons practicing the Scottish Rite in the state of Georgia. 1869 Southern and Western Washington William H. Thomas, 4 degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern The first officers installed were: S.P. Grand Commander you will see that between c/o M.W. Use United States (US) dollar instead. Please ensure that you Enter your first name, last name and Consistory # so that the proper account is credited. It is possible that he was, but his membership has not been documented. United Supreme Council Museum. Following not too far behind was the aforementioned Brother Boyd. 7 became the genesis of the formation of King Solomon Consistorywarranted as such in 1887 by the Debulow Supreme Council. F. Clopton 33 rd has the honor of being the present Sovereign Grand Commander. Supreme Revels United States was established in 1864. Imperial Consistory, led by Deputy Shook entered into correspondence with the USC NJ about aligning with a competent Scottish Rite Jurisdiction. . On April 1, 1880 the United States Supreme Council issued merged into 2 United Supreme Councils of the 33rd Degree: one for G. Lewis-An end of an era: L.J. We evaluate our success in this field by gathering qualitative and quantitative data, and using that information to measure shifts and changes from our baseline measurements. Let us begin to exploit every opportunity to take people forward towards the common goal of true enlightenment. Ill. Ronald Cook . Supreme Council. (1979 to 1994)Greatly enhanced Scottish Rite masonry, gave increased scope to The Charitable Foundation, realized increased memberships. Reginald B. Stewart 33Grand HistorianOhio Council of Deliberation, Copyright - Ohio Council of Deliberation Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasory PHA, Northern Jurisdiction All Rights Reserved, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah Council of Deliberation, Order of the Golden Circle Elected Officers, Order of the Golden Circle Appointed Officers. Supreme Council grew out of the conferring in Philadelphia (1850) of , and the Southern and Western Supreme Council of Washington, the year 1869, Edward M. Thomas 33 rd , John P. Costan 33 rd , John A. His successor was S.G.I.G. Members were becoming members in this new Consistory. Easton of Cincinnati (an original Red Rose Chapter member) conspired to form a Supreme Council for the state of Ohio. may be conferred at small expense, and that Lodges and Chapters may prosper wherever a BIue Lodge could be decently and creditably maintained. It is not known if his desire ever came to fruition as Brother Boyd sought more information to present to interested Masons and the different Grand bodies of Ohio. In New York City, a Supreme Council of the Supreme Council Southern Jurisdiction. E: members felt that the edit from Grand Master Hamilton Smith was wrong and Mason-Dixon Line as an official boundary. In addition, the Jurisdiction governs all Orients within Canada and Auxiliary Bodies therein. Meanwhile in the city of Cleveland, White Rose Chapter No. were established in 1887 and revised in 1917 and 1955. Ohio Consistory in the Valley of Cincinnati was chartered in 1853. It is not known why the name of Imperial was chosen. result was an agreement to form two Supreme Councils. United Supreme Council AASR SJ ("USC") is a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of Tennessee. When I agree to your website privacy and use policies outlined in this document. 1871 King Frederick Philadelphia Joshua D. Kelley. MA 1895 This happened, notably, prior to JohnG. Jones establishment of a bogus United Supreme Council in October 1895 and chartering of a Consistory in the city of Cleveland in December 1896. appealed to the Grand Master who denied the appeal. King Frederick Supreme Council at Philadelphia, Pa., and is known as the United St James Grand Lodge, A.F. Louis G. Raglin 32Most Excellent and Perfect Junior Warden, Trojan Lodge of Perfection No. (OCOD) was in place. Jurisdiction for the United Supreme Council, PHA, consists of the Jerusalem. The city of Cleveland was the first to organize a body of the Scottish Rite for Negro Masons in the state of Ohio. 5, Rose Croix seemingly disappeared from the listings in Cleveland city directories. Continental United States. The meeting took place on October 21 st 1880 where the passage of a resolution William T. Anderson 33Illustrious Grand Minister of State G.I.G. eighteen Inspector Generals convened in Corinthian Hall , New York City. It is not known if he also received the 4th through the 32nd degrees prior to the ceremony or if all degrees were conferred during the same ceremony. The USSC maintained its independent status despite originally agreeing to merged with the USC-SJ. 2065 Nonconnah Blvd. A bit of masonic conjecture stipulates that in 1900 the storied Illustrious Boyd of Cleveland (an original White Rose Chapter member) and L.D. Secondly, we will exploit opportunities of Education by continuing to upgrade the National Institute of Masonic Education (NIME) into a true liberal arts institution with appropriate accreditation and certification of degree work. Jurisdiction. off with the Headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland. lawfully assembled in annual session at Kansas City, in the State of Missouri, The The actual date of their founding is lost to time, but the Fraters were in place and operating as early as 1906. The application deadline is February 1, 2023. One Far west of Cleveland the Scottish Rite began to flourish in the city of Toledo through yet another affiliation for colored menthe Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the 33rd Degree, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry for the Northern and Western Jurisdiction (Milton F. Fields Supreme Council). 2 talking about this. A Consistory would not be in operation for 5 years without being formally chartered. Northern Jurisdiction and one for Southern Jurisdiction. Washington, DC 20009, T: 2022323579 Grand Commander, said to have been organized in 1864 William Buckner 32Illustrious Commander-in-ChiefS.P. pursuance of the decrees, resolutions and articles of a convention of the The guides come as a set of four. Oliver 32Illustrious Standard Bearer S.P. He served as the first Illustrious Commander-in-Chief. whole Fraternity. Thompson 33 rd , Jonathan Davis 33 rd , J. W. Warlett 33 rd , W. H. Riley 33 rd Supreme Councils of the thirty-third and last degree of the A. Most Wise & Perfect MasterChapter Rose Croix, Overseer of the ValleyUnited Supreme Council, PHA, SJ, Deputy for the Orient of MarylandUnited Supreme Council, PHA, SJ. Welcome to the Orient of Georgia AASR, PHA Southern Jurisdiction Website. At the meeting in August official groundwork was undertaken to make the body more complete for the Fraters. is the year that tore Prince Hall Masonry apart. I agree that you can collect, process and use my personal information as set forth in this document and for the purposes set forth in the document. Deputy Rickards was a rising star of the USC NJ as he was concurrently serving as the Illustrious Grand Minister of State. Council of France. C.H. Thornton A. Jackson from the United Supreme Council Southern and Western Loyal Ladies Supporting Since 1907 The Order of the Golden Circle is the women's auxiliary of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc. The chief mission of the Supreme Council formed at the beginning and steadily pursued ever since, has been: To make the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, a Masonry, which the man of intellect and the scholar might find it profitable to devote himself to; to embody in its teachings all the great truths taught by wise and good men in all ages; to comment upon and give the true interpretation of the symbols of the Blue Lodge Masonry; to ascertain and fully develop the special idea embodied in the beginning in each of its own degrees; To appeal to the intellectual and the moral sense only of its initiates, leaving display and parade to other branches of the great Order; to indulge in no scenic pomp or theatrical representation; to so arrange the work of its Degrees that they. Fraternity. It is also worthwhile to note that during this time that the modern day territorial boundaries between the two recognized Negro Supreme Councilsthe USC NJ and the United Supreme Council of the Sovereign, the Grand Inspectors General of the 33d and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern and Western Jurisdiction of the United States of America (the current day United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, United States of America [USC SJ])had been established, but not necessarily rigidly adhered to. 7 in Cincinnati in August 1883. and Western Jurisdiction of the United States of America. the King David Supreme Council of Philadelphia, Pa. on the 5 th day of April, One week later, in October 1896, during the second Annual Session of The United Supreme Council Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction of the U.S.A. and Canada (John G. Jones Supreme Council) held in Washington, DC, Illustrious Shook was elected as the Illustrious Grand Keeper of the Seals and Archives. He extended the kindest courtesies to me whenever I was in his presence, and he truly walked the Masonic path. the United States of America. If the parent body is illegally formed then the subordinate bodies cannot legally (in the masonic sense) exist. In late May 1906, during his return trip home following the 25th Annual Session of the USC NJ held in the Valley of Philadelphia, Deputy Rickards spent an evening in the city of Cleveland. On On this date David Leary, the first Black Inspector-General of the Prince Hall At that meeting in March 1909, after L.D. Teger 32Illustrious Hospitaler S.P. These 5 Councils petitioned for unity in a conference in New York City 43 in the Oasis of Toledo by the AEAONMS. The following Fraters served as the initial officers of the Consistory: S.P. It is not known whether the members in Cleveland knew this or cared about it. William H. Thomas 33 rd was elected its Columbia , and presided over by the Ill. Thornton A. Jackson, 33 rd , 96 th , 20. 21 was constituted and instituted by Deputy Rickards, the Fraters of the Orient chose noted masonic legend Illustrious Boyd to be the first Most Illustrious Commander-in-Chief and Deputy for the Orient of Ohio proper. This Chapter of Rose Croix was under the obedience of the DeBulow Supreme Council. 1895 John G. Jones, Lt. Sovereign Grand Commander of The United Supreme Council We operate under the obedience and auspices of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation; Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America where the Illustrious Corey Hawkins, 33 serves as Sovereign Grand Commander. You have Member Dues that are outstanding. I agree to your website privacy and use policies outlined in this document. After serving under the supportive leadership of the Ill. Dr. Augustus P. Sutton, 33/96 and Ill. Dr. Ledell Veal, 33, my election is perhaps one of the most important accomplishments in Freemasonry in our great country and I thank you very much for your support. rd , Henry H. Dade 33 rd , John H. Smallwood 33 rd , Adolphus Hall 33 rd , and In this case the Consistory operated under dispensation. of Freemasonry, S.J., USA. . USC is a Masonic/Scottish Rite organization, which has a membership of approximately 20,000. for the United States of America, its territories and dependencies commonly known as and hereinafter referred to as the Debulow Supreme Council). continued to meet regularly since 1869 down to the present time and Ill. Otis Jurisdiction consists of the following states: CO, Connecticut, DE, ID, As a result of the conference of the Sovereign The Southern Supreme Council set up the King Frederick Lodge and the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. These two Grand James D. Cole, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander, A. The Organization of the King David Not much happened between then and the first official OCOD session on August 14, 1910, held in Massillon of the USC NJ. of the King Fredrick Supreme Council of the 33 and Last Degree of the A. and A. S.R. 5, Rose Croix. Mystical symbolism, philosophy, and the storied tales of Knighthood are further investigated in this body. On November 1, 1923, Freemasons from across the United States gathered in Virginia to participate in a special Masonic cornerstone ceremony. Eventually St.Matthews Consistory was formed with the help of Fraters belonging to a Fields faction Consistory in IndianaSt. , and presided over by Ill. J. D. Kelly, 33 rd , as its M. P. Sov. Please ensure that you Enter your first name, last name and Consistory # so that the proper account is credited. H. Thomas Southern and Western 1869 - 1875, ThorntonA. was set up in 1870. It too disappeared from the fabric of the city and the city directories in much the same fashion as its predecessorWhite Rose Chapter No. Some It is also not known if Brother Boyd was a Scottish Rite Mason at that time. St. John Grand Lodge, A.F. line were agreed by the two Supreme Councils. Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and that of the states outside United Supreme Council for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction has Thomas Kinzie 33Illustrious Chancellor S.P. As with all who met him, I count it an honor to have called Deary my friend and Brother. The Supreme Council concerned themselves with organization birth pangs. and presided over by Ill. Lemuel D. Griffin, 33 rd as its M. P. Sov. This is one of our key areas of focus here at The United Supreme Council, AASRM, 33rd And Last Degree Of Freemasonry, For The Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction, USA, and a source of much success for our Volunteer Organization. United United Supreme Council2065 Nonconnah Blvd.Memphis, TN 38132USC HQ Staff: 901.716.5110USC HQ Fax: 901.716.5112.