In Oregon, talking dirty while having sex is illegal. Remote planet: Which is the worlds southernmost city? In Victoria, Australia, it's been illegal to fly a kite since 1966. The rule states that no yelling, shouting, whistling or singing is allowed at any time. This wacky law came about almost a century ago when a ranch owners donkey had gotten in the habit of sleeping in the bathtub. This North Carolina law was actually written to get rid of the persistent Ku Klux Klan activity in the area. No Shirtless Driving in Thailand Were not sure what prompted the law to be made in the first place, but its not the worst law written. In fact, if you're super into astrology, you might want to stay away from the town altogether. Who knows, but it was enough of an annoyance to pass a law about it. (River would be out, as would North.) Finally, it must make the sex of the baby clear. Ruled by the king, the people of medieval England lived under a feudal system heavily influenced by the Roman Catholic Church.. During the Middle Ages, both laws and the penalties for breaking them were very different from the ones we are familiar with today. Or else! The punishment for suicide - the ultimate contradiction. No Public Feather Dusting. We're not sure why this law was passed, but it has stuck around and become a town tradition. Vikings reached the island in the 10th century from Iceland; Danish colonization began in the 18th century, and Greenland became an integral part of the Danish Realm in 1953. In France, it is illegal to name a pig Napoleon. In the UK, a law still exists from the Middle Ages that requires all males over the age of 14 to be trained in shooting a long bow. One councillor said, The problem with that bear is it doesnt have a complete wardrobe. The bears lack of pants was an issue as it was half naked., The meeting, which was taped in secret and leaked to the media, began to get out of hand when someone mentioned that the author was over 60 and [had] cut Poohs testicles off with a razor blade because he had a problem with his identity., In the end, the council decided to go with a Polish childrens character that was fully dressed from head to toe. Just to be on the safe side.[1]. 15 weird US laws you may be surprised to know exist. It certainly is a forgotten law and has never really been enforced in Florida. Initially, it was enacted to stop servants stealing from their masters to help pay off drinking debts. The "urban beautification" initiative dates back to 1927when an all-white circle of Hawaii's power wives created the Outdoor Circle Club and lobbied for the ban on outdoor ads. In New York City it is illegal to honk your horn. Quit getting divorced. No one under 16 was allowed to smooch or show public displays of affectionthe horror (for the teens, that is). The Middle Ages spanned from roughly AD 500 to AD 1500. 17. Only male dogs and cats can be neutered. This road sign is meant to remind drivers to be cautious about their speeds on an upcoming hill. Initially enacted to stop servants from stealing their master's money to pay off their debts in the pub, it soon became a free pass to extensive boozing. It was enacted in the 1970s to essentially label horses as vehicles. Given how cold it is in the specific region, people are not allowed to have a regular burial. Considering Kahlua alcoholic chocolates are around 4%, we can assume they won't be hitting the shelves any time soon. Enjoy this collection of funny, stupid and often bizarre laws from South America. Steven Depolo/Flickr (Be honest: Have you ever caught a mouse without a hunting license?) 49. However, no amount of thinking can explain some of the more bizarre laws from around the world. Unfortunately, this old law has some pretty outdated and unfair roots. It is a thrilling natural phenomenon that can be experienced only when there is no midnight sun. Below are 51 absurdly ridiculous laws to keep in mind next time you travel to Europe. 45. Even though the country doesnt have a large obesity problem, Japan decided to take a proactive approach to the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight. You may think that this law is completely made up, but the regional police in York have confirmed that it is illegal to drag a dead horse along Yonge Street in Toronto. In Colorado it is illegal to collect rainwater. Major tourist attractions in Greenland are the fauna and flora of this country. Germany banned making any loud, excessive noises during quiet hours which are typically between 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. We're not sure why its any safer if youre sleeping standing up, but well go with it. During summer, from mid-May to mid-July the sun does not completely set even though the bright daylight gets converted to warm hues in the evening. Thus, the forms of transport available for travelling long distances are boats and air. Follow me on Twitter. Spitting is also illegal and can result in arrest. In Norway, there is a law that protects all female dogs and cats from being spayed. In Britain, it is illegal to import potatoes into England or Wales if you have reasonable cause to believe that they are Polish. Stealing is always illegal, but stealing crawfish can result in prison time less than 6 months if you steal less than $500 of crawfish or up to 10 years if you steal over $1,500 worth. Greenland is one of the best locations in the world to view the dancing Northern lights. Breastfeeding in public is legal (as it should be). Hopefully, you do, too. Oral sex is often considered sodomy by many states, according to the Hebrew Bible. The ruling has been challenged by nature lovers, but the Swiss high court agreed that the government had the right to uphold public decency.. Even the worlds northernmost ATM is installed here. For example, one list of weird laws states that in California, if a frog in a frog-jumping contest dies, it is illegal to eat the frog. The Georgia Department of Agriculture law protects llama owners from liability in the event of harm or death with few exceptions. Amongst our favourite of the weird and strange laws in Ireland is the Tippling Act of 1735. In the Philippines you can be charged with the crime of unjust vexation for doing just that, vexing someone. This is a photo of Mine 2b where work was ongoing from 1938 until 1969. Part of the problem is the permafrost which makes it nearly impossible to properly dig graves, and the frost itself will push the coffins up and out of the earth. It can be viewed clearly during the nights throughout the year when the skies are clear. Among native New Hampshire mammals are the white-tailed deer, muskrat, beaver, porcupine, and snowshoe hare. The Worldwide Championship of Ice Golf is held in the month of March in a popular city of Greenland namely, Uummannaq. Let's begin with one of the most frequently cited state laws, which reportedly requires that "all apple pie in Wisconsin must be served with a slice of cheese on it.". Hopefully, you do, too. The first coal-fired power plant of Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Even though it is a land covered mostly by sheets of ice, there are numerous interesting aspects to explore around this naturally attractive location. In reality, it's illegal under Illinois law to possess any variety of aquatic life that was captured or killed in violation of the Fish and Aquatic Life Code or whose value exceeds $600, according to the Illinois General Assembly. The fine can be up to $50,000. If you broke up three times, why would a fourth try be any different? It's illegal to carry away or collect seaweed at night in New Hampshire. There's a myth floating around on the Internet that there's a German law which forbids the hanging of laundry on Sundays. #6- Air and boat travel Image Source:Wikimedia This country was named in this manner to attract settlers so that these raiders could benefit by warring with approaching settlers ships. In Cleveland, it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license. For his part, the Dalai Lama has said that he refuses to reincarnate in Tibet as long as Tibet remains under Chinese control. 21. 15. It's illegal to hang the laundry on Sunday. 55. The only two states where divorce is illegal are the Philippines and The Vatican. It makes sense to require people to stay in control of their animals, but its not like there were lawless horses breaking the speed limit before they made this funky law. Michigan has a large Christian population, and in their faith, its believed that Sunday should be reserved for rest, family time and church. This weird Nevada law is founded on logic - although that might not seem apparent at first. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. Acworth retaliated saying all of their citizens needed a rake. Pipe alone, or not at all! If there is one place people are most likely to get drunk, it is a bar. However, these weird or outlandish laws are actually on the books, whether they're enforced or not. 39. In Iowa, it is illegal for a man with a mustache to kiss a woman in public. In Honolulu, Hawaii it is illegal to sing loudly after sunset. When the sun reappears after the long and dark winter months, the local people of Longyearbyen observe the Solfestuka festivity. Final verdict: This weird law was intended for hackers to prevent people from selling Netflix login details in bulk. Where this law exists: South Berwick, Maine. According to the Michigan State Legislature, breaking this law is punishable by a maximum sentence of four years in prison and possibly a $5,000 fine. It can be viewed clearly during the nights throughout the year when the skies are clear. In seven U.S. states, according to their constitutions, atheists are barred from holding public office. University Centre in Svalbard, part of the University of the Arctic, photo credit. Arizona. 66. Laws against fun are most common in centuries-old legislation. 2. In Britain it is illegal to handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances. Is it the end of an era for the University RE: the myths about Skopjes Old Bazaar district. Apparently, according to Australian laws, it is illegal to touch electric wires which can lead to your death. Final verdict: Amended most recently in 1999, this weird U.S. law forbids criminals from protecting themselves from bullets with a body vest while committing crimes. 2) In California, i.e. Not until 2008 did the UN Security Council pass UN Security Council Resolution No. The worlds northernmost capital is Nuuk, and it belongs to Greenland, while the worlds northernmost town that has more than a thousand permanent residents is Longyearbyen and it belongs to Norway. However, nothing saved the lovely little houses as an avalanche took momentum back in 2015 and wiped out almost the entire center of the settlement. Do you believe in the quote mentioned above ? Apparently, two pickle farmers were caught selling pickles that werent fit for human consumption back in the 1940s. Only in America would a donut chain require a new law like this to be written. It is a thrilling natural phenomenon that can be experienced only when there is no midnight sun. Final verdict: Or you cant lie down to sleep, at least. Having your chickens cross the road in Georgia This isn't a joke: don't let your chicken cross the road in Georgia. Final verdict: Where else would he sleep? Where this law exists: South Carolina (among other states). If youre just being a jerk, itll cost you $500. And not just a salmon. Apparently, farmers and landowners are being punished for this. But North Dakota obviously decided it needed a more state-focused group for celebrating chickpeas, lentils, and lupins. Wait, I cant wear a bulletproof vest? 67. To make it onto the approved list, a name must not leave the child open to ridicule or abuse. There are lots of things you are not allowed to do in Italy. Which means that in rape cases, both the victim and the perpetrator could end up being charged with the same crime. (Indio or Dusti just wouldnt cut it. Anyone "pretending to forecast or foretell the future of another by cards, palm reading or any other scheme, practice or device" can be found guilty of a misdemeanor and fined up to $500, or even serve time in jail, according to Maryland State Legislature. In Saudi Arabia, it is illegal for any woman to drive a car. Students at the University of Colorado kept getting too lit at frat parties (pun intended). 11. 1. Like most governments, the Germans were anxious to ensure that children were not bullied at school. It states: Use or wearing a body vest while engaged in the commission of, or an attempt to commit, or flight after committing or attempting to commit a crime of the first degree is a crime of the second degree. If you have been swimming, you must not wear your swimming costume after leaving the beach. 50 dumb laws in America. Unfortunately, when a local dam broke, the house flooded, and the bathtub floated away, donkey and all. Kissing is an incredible experience and the most natural way to show affection. It has become a tradition to use water pistols during New Years celebrations. Except strangely, you dont see people as equally outraged about this as they are about gay sex. In 2008, a Saudi court refused an 8-year-old girl, who asked for a divorce from her 58-year-old husband. Weird laws in the world's northernmost town: no funerals allowed, and no cats please! Some evidence suggests that trial by combatmight technically be legal on a federal level even today. Moose aren't allowed on the sidewalk. Fremont Street, also known playfully as 'Glitter Gulch', is one of the most famous streets in Las Vegas. In Vermont, a wife needs the husbands permission to wear false teeth. The Berlin Wall Good Thing Today Its Street Live, Love, Create, Enjoy Melbourne, a haven for Weird laws in the worlds northernmost town: no funerals allowed, and no cats please! Similarly, bars can be fined for allowing bingo. According to one South Dakota law, liquor stores cannot sell candy containing more than .5% alcohol by weight. 59. The governor of Phnom Penh has banned the sale, import, and possession of all water pistols in the city. 47. April 20, 2022 We round up some of the weirdest laws around the world, from not allowing your chicken to cross the road or preventing your donkey from sleeping in the bath to never refusing a stranger the use of your bathroom and more. Police are also allowed to force HIV testing, to publicize the names of HIV-positive people and to have them evicted from their homes. There's a right and a wrong way to eat fried chicken. In essence, it bans the launching of any dangerous object, from stones to missiles to just about anything in between, within the bounds of Cumberland parks and playgrounds. Just dont let them take a snooze in the process, or you might be slapped with a fine. One of the popular-but-fake-sounding weird laws for Pennsylvania is that you can't catch a fish with your mouth. However there is no clear evidence to support the. Longyearbyen was first inhabited by miners. Unbelievable Belgian laws. Apparently, they cause an obstruction.[6]. In Pennsylvania, it is illegal to tie a dollar bill to a string on the ground and pull it away when someone tries to pick it up. Final verdict: Why would someone trip a horse? The Belgian laws restricting games of chance mean that prohibitions apply to commercial contests, sweepstakes, lotteries, and even private poker games. Final verdict: Technically, it was Wisconsins downright war against margarine that began in 1895. Stupid Laws reports that this stone throwing prohibition is listed in Section 15-53 of the Cumberland penal code. All countries have their set of weird customs and laws and Iceland is no exception. Ohioans typically know what laws dictate when they can shoot off fireworks and whether it's illegal to steal . And, yes, two men were fined for having woefully floppy pickles. In Russia, Vladimir Putin just recently made it illegal to tell kids that gay people exist. The reason for this law comes down to respect for cultural traditions. Most Recent Stupid Laws It is illegal to ask about a job It is illegal to die in town It's illegal to idle your car in your own driveway 1,000 Hours of training is required to braid hair. Gambling at a home poker game is illegal in Belgium. Llama Crossing Road Sign // Bolivia. B Rosen via Flickr Where this law exists: Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Still, it can be hard to understand the laws and customs of other countries, and travelers are often advised to take care not to inadvertently break the law. If you don't know how this series works it's where I give 15 unique facts and a couple of weird laws about certain country of my choosing in this case Greenland. The Balkan culture of gathering things vs. Japanese minimalism, Greetings from Skopje photos from the really old days. 12. According to Louisiana State Legislature, the Creole stir-fry, made with rice, meat, and veggies, may be prepared for public consumption in the open using iron pots and wood fires. Just make sure you dont throw your talcum powder around when you are getting dry later. These games require a license from the Kansspelcommissie or no-one wins any financial gain. This health code likely made its way into the books to protect competitors at the Calaveras County Fair and Frog Jumping Jubilee, a decades-old tradition in the gold-mining town of Angels Camp. "Dumb Laws" Across the United States It Is Prohibited To Harass Big Foot (Washington) In the US state of Washington, it is a crime punishable by either a fine or a jail term to harass big foot, Sasquatch, or any other undiscovered species. as well as other partner offers and accept our, Photo by Alexander Pohl/NurPhoto via Getty Images, Calaveras County Fair and Frog Jumping Jubilee, might technically be legal on a federal level, can't display obscene stickers, paintings, decals, or emblems, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Kahlua alcoholic chocolates are around 4%, 9 of the most outrageous liquor laws in the US, The most bizarre driving laws around the world, 9 weird things that can get you into trouble in Putin's Russia. Final verdict: The point of this weird law was to help bolster state art agencies. 2. It's a huge draw for tourists as there are loads of famous casinos there. After one too many drunken parties ended in stealing and subsequently burning couches left on porches, the city of Boulder, Colorado took action. They dont like that in Australia. But don't worry unless you're in the habit of taking naps in cheese factories or wrestling bears, you're probably not breaking any of these weird laws in the U.S. It got to the point that it became a massive traffic jam and an ongoing driving hazard, so the town forbade parking there at all. Mercury in retrograde? In some cases, both the bride and the groom are absent. In Athens-Clarke County, adult bookstores may not sell alcohol. 57. Also, an ancient Norwegian law still exists that obliges all Norwegians to go out on expeditions to rape and plunder at least once every five years. Married New Yorkers cannot get divorced on grounds of irreconcilable differences unless both marriage partners agree on those grounds. Many of them were Civil War veterans or immigrants who had lost limbs or suffered severe burns, and they were left penniless on the street. If you allow it while you're in Arizona, you're a criminal. New public buildings that cost over $100,000 have to allocate 1 percent of funds for art displays, thanks to the National Assembly of State Art Agencies. German travel websites had been advertising a special experience of nature, free and healthy., Not that free. Of course, there are a few rules. 1 Being in a Bar While Drunk. It's a bear, it's a moose it's a Sasquatch! Good to know. They decided that Winnie the Pooh, a beloved childrens character, was an inappropriate hermaphrodite because of its lack of identifying genitalia. There, even whispering in church is considered a disturbance of worship and can result in an annoying fine. In Thailand it is illegal to step on money. That's why you need to know about some of the weirdest laws that you might break completely by accident. Musical instruments, clocks, kitchenwarethey are just a few of the items that can't be sold on this day. No pun intended. Another weird state law makes it illegal for a person to eat a live eel in a public place unless the person loudly announces "Warning! The law is apparently tied to an 80-year-old tradition called the Frog Jumping Jubilee in a mining town and was enacted many years ago to prevent people from eating unsanitary frogs. Even if a person gets buried, it is another question how proper the body will decompose. The law has withstood legal challenges since 1845 and included exceptions for parties, according to the New York Times and Find Law. However, if you want to use one in Cambodia, you are likely to be disappointed or get into trouble. In Arizona, having more than two vibrators in your home is illegal. Greenland was named as Greenland by Vikings who discovered this country in the 10th century. 35. How about laws in retrograde. In 2007, a barmaid was found to be in breach of the Liquor Control Act and fined A$1,000 as a result of entertaining her customers this way. To carry, manufacture, sell, or handle any non-biodegradable, plastic-based confetti is unlawful, according to Municode Library. They have set up designated areas for people to play with water. 50. The course for this frozen version of Golf is snow fields along with icebergs in between. Other strange driving laws in America include: You can't wash your neighbour's car without permission in Los Angeles. It is a two day event and the greens in common version of golf are known as whites. The fact that it needed to be made a law means that someone tried it, doesnt it? The law came into effect in 2008, and many teenagers were outraged and protested. Rumor has it that seaweed was once used as fertilizer and was stolen from public beaches in the night, but no ones positive how this wacky law really came to be. Sadly, thanks to the Licensing Act 1872, it's also illegal and could land you a 200 fine and almost a year in jail. In Skamania County, they were worried enough to pass a law stating that the "slaying of Bigfoot to be a felony and punishable by five years in prison.". Im out. Make sure you don't ride a taxi in this one weird way or you will spend some time in the clink. (Calling your child Reignbeau or Kal-El would fall under this heading.) Background. In Argentina, there is a law that states that Argentine nightclubs must play the same amount of tango music as all other forms of music combined. 4. 34. We wish this one had a more interesting backstory, but the full law actually makes sense: No person shall drive a vehicle when it is loaded or when there are in the front seat such a number of persons as to obstruct the view of the driver to the front or sides of the vehicle or as to interfere with the drivers control over the driving mechanism of the vehicle.. 3) (rescinded obviously after the 1930's) In certain Southern states, sodomy punishable, but lynching blacks permissible, indeed photographed and applauded. No horse shall be driven or ridden on any street in the city at a speed in excess of 10 miles per hour, and every horse shall be kept under control at all times by the person in charge thereof. If found guilty, the man will be charged with a misdemeanor, fined at the court's discretion, and possibly imprisoned for no more than one year with a number of exceptions, according to the South Carolina State Legislature. There are truly some wacky laws out there There are truly some wacky laws out there. Driving a dirty car in Chelyabinsk, Russia can get you fined up to 2,000 rubles (about 62 USD). On a great big beach. Leave Your Creativity For the Weekdays. In 2012, a Portage police sergeant was fired for on-the-job misconductafterallegedly cheating on his wife and furthering a relationship with a local waitress using a city-issued cellphone. Consider this law a sign. This is one weird law that Europeans would definitely laugh at. 16. Marriage. Ain't no poking fun at this one. It was a period filled with famine, plague, and war. 48. Breaking this law can also result in a stay at the state prison not exceeding five years and other damages, according to the Montana State Legislature. Netflix. 16 Things You Should Know If Your Significant Other Has CrohnsDisease, 21 Men And Women Share What Its Actually Like To Live Under ShariaLaw, Heres The Most Notorious Murder From EveryState, Here Is The Most Haunted Location In EveryState, 50 Of The Goofiest, Wackiest, And Absolutely Nuttiest Sex Laws From Around The World(NSFW), From Ancient Theater To Modern Drag: 100+ Stunning Historical Images That Document The Timeline Of LGBTHistory. In Alaska, a person. It is not clear why this ever became a law or a rumoured law in the first place. You may not spot moose from a plane and hunt them on the same day. Pennsylvania. In 2016, the state Supreme Court scrapped the archaic law from the books, effectively dismantling this ridiculous law, according to Sante Fe New Mexican. In Massachusetts it is deemed illegal for a woman to be on top during sex. Strange But (Unfortunately) Untrue: Apple Pie Must Be Served With a Slice of Cheese. 1. To be updated with all the latest news, facts and knowledge. In these states, sodomy is only illegal for homosexuals: Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. In other words, the law implies that no atheists are allowed to run. Most of the animals that are sought here are some popular yet endangered species. He said, If the police are fair dinkum about protecting people in pubs and clubs, why dont they target the real issues instead?. In Turin, Italy, dog owners must take their dogs on a walk at least three times a day. Thats keeping pigs outside your house.[2]. This place also has some more features counted as per the northernmost, such as the local church, museum, radio station, airport, university, etc. In Virginia, it is illegal for a man to kick a woman out of bed. Under it, no landlord could demand money owed by their tenants for a drink! 64. In Rhode Island, a union can be considered invalid under the grounds that the party is deemed to be, collectively, an idiot or a lunatic. Where this law exists: Gainesville, Georgia. A single sandcastle. Why would there be that much honking happening at 9 p.m.?