True/False. 1.In terms of character, young athletes are most likely to, follow the examples of character exhibited by the coach, 1.The person the coach would like to be is, 1.The image a coach believes others have of him or her, 1.The sum of the coach's subjective thoughts, feelings, and needs is, 1.Anxiety, guilt, or even self-hatred can result when conflict arises between the _______ and the other selves, 1.The self-esteem of a coach should be based on, living up to his or her own realistic standards. d. When the ball touches the side of a rectangular backboard. Question 19 Which one of the following statements is most true? A) selling stock B) saving money C) attracting applicants D) meeting legal obligations, Which term refers to actions intended to place physical or psychological distance between employees and their work environments? true 3. emdjay23. Explanation- Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar, 754206 Recognize that people have strengths as well as weaknesses, Individuals who want effective relationships with peers should, Try to identify common goals and interests, A superior interested in discovering common interests and values of peers should, Participate in social gatherings Leadership development is enhanced when an experience involves three processes, which are A) causation, vision, and listening. Teddy Bears Two of the roles of a, coach is to help employees find experts who can assist them with their concerns. The question 'how do you feel about it now?' Coaching follows a set syllabus with defined performance criteria. Contact that is of a violent or savage nature. b. Erroneously awarding the ball to the wrong team for a throw-in. Her injuries should do all of the following except ___________. 9 days ago, Posted 105 Likes, TikTok video from Women Mindset Coach (@nenamindsetc): "If you don't like who you are then how do you expect others to like you? The coach must not know the benefits of cross-training so she should ignore his suggestion C. A) offering improved benefits packages B) conducting regular performance appraisals C) linking employee efforts to company goals D) providing online training sessions to new hires, c) linking employee efforts to company goals, Which of the following statements most likely suggests that an employee is engaged? A) conducting more performance reviews B) developing new recruitment strategies C) establishing a talent management program D) revising the organization's mission statement, c) establishing a talent management program, Apex Carpet has a high voluntary turnover rate, which they want reduced. Academic programs to develop social responsibility and engagement in the local community use _____. The wrong decision has a higher probability of resulting in a desirable outcome. Payments are made every two weeks. Steven can be best described as a ________ leader. "Grass is greener" view of employment elsewhere Progressive discipline, Which of the following is required for teams to be effective? A good coach should process the following essential attributes: Can train for transfer (the skills are easily applied in. engaged in undesirable treatment short of terminating him. Alex, his supervisor, is biased against Trey. Identify the tasks she should most likely perform as part of preparing for the interview process, She should use social networking sites to set up informational interviews with people inside the firm b. C. It helps a borrower pay the mortgage off sooner and save interest. c. During a 30-second time-out, players must remain standing. 67. 5.Which of the following statements regarding sexual orientation in sport settings is true? Recognizing and seizing opportunities 6.Which of the following components of communication are coaches typically least proficient at using? 8.Most coaches receive training that teaches them how to effectively manage athletes. Which of the following is not an issue to address during the third month in a new job? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Every player is entitled to a spot on the playing court provided such player gets there first without illegally contacting an opponent. d. It is an inefficient model to be used by senior executives to develop the skills of their staff. A closely-guarded count continues during an interrupted dribble. Nick has taken a new hire, Brian, under his wing and is helping Brian by giving him knowledge, advice, challenge, counsel, and support about career opportunities, organizational strategy and policy, office politics. 3 days ago. 3.Coaches who have experience in their sport and are knowledgeable about the rules, technical and tactical skills, and strategies of the game have nothing more to learn to be an effective coach. He should therefore first attempt to develop: Which of the following is a characteristic of group emotional intelligence? The human resources management process consists of planning, attracting, developing, and retaining employees. Which of the following statements regarding formal coaching programs is true? The situation in which a student attributes her classmates bad exam score to a lack of intelligence while the classmate attributes the poor score to unfair grading refers to the _______. At lhi- Tapanui Court yesterday. c. The culture should be laid out before the season and not involve the team members. Their apprehension about doing something new increases. Unfortunately, it isn't always easy to determine what actions are hazing or bullying. Coaching is focused on long-term development. A career is the occupational positions one holds at a single organization. Many U.S. firms are concerned about labor shortages because of the rapidly rising number of 25-44 year olds in the workforce and the small number of workers near retirement age. A) transfers B) layoffs C) dismissals D) promotions, Competence rather than seniority is most likely the basis for promotion when ________. The relationship between mentor and protge is not at all same as the relationship between employee and C.Mentors are typically not the employee's direct supervisor. A player may not hold his or her hands or arms in front of his or her body to absorb the force from an imminent charge of any opponent. When an individual learns only about subjects within the comfort zone of their belief system they are using ________ learning. a. A 60-second time-out may be reduced in length if the charged team is ready to play. True or false: followers need to realize that superiors do not have all the answers and they have both strengths and weaknesses, During the final phase of development planning, the development plan. Option C is the true statement. A) Mentoring B) Engagement C) Development D) Talent assessment. Domestic canaries are usually yellow, they may be bright orange if red peppers are part of their diet. This can be considered as an act that: appeals to her pride and thereby motivates her further. The best opportunity for discussing career-related issues with an employee is during the annual or semi-annual appraisal. The relationship between mentor and protge is not at all same as the relationship between employee and supervisor. A) concerns about future labor shortages B) surveys of current employee attitudes C) modifications to the promotion process D) increases in health insurance premiums, All are true about retirement EXCEPT _____. d. True or false: it is not important to be intentional about developing leadership effectiveness. She leads teams with an "all hands on deck" ethos, to make technical correct-ness, of previously messy and over complicated scenarios.<br><br>Previous roles have seen her gain a breadth of . Confederate Leadership Chart. = 2 1/4. Additional Management Flashcards Master Coach Brooke Castillo (2021) has developed a self-coaching technique called CTFAR. A) open positions are posted B) promotion criteria are made available C) job postings are circulated to all employees D) promotions are based on unpublished requirements, d) promotions are based on unpublished requirements, Tanya accused a male superior of sexual harassment who later convinced her supervisor to not promote her. All of the following are true statements regarding charged time-outs, EXCEPT: a. Time-outs shall be conducted within the confines of the time-out area. = 15 ? A) trigger creativity B) minimize disagreements C) eliminate early retirements D) boost employee engagement, ________ refers to being psychologically involved in, connected to, and committed to getting one's job done. Which of the following is true of the motivational use of recognition and praise? They should not assume they have invited feedback merely by saying they have an open door policy. Coaching is focused on long-term development. A) coaching B) appraising C) assessing D) mentoring, ________ focuses on helping an employee make long-term career plans, while ________ addresses an employee's short-term job skills. D. The relationship between mentor and protge is the same as the relationship between employee and supervisor. Which of the following statements on coaching are true. This might include giving the person, a low-level work assignment, a downsized office, or some other form of, undesirable treatment. (b) Why did the early Stuarts clash with Parliament? A simultaneous violation is called if offensive players occupy the first marked lane spaces and defensive players occupy the second marked lane spaces during the free throw. allow more repetitions at practice, or repeat instructions Select all that apply. to win, ensure athletes have fun, and help athletes develop socially, psychologically, and physically, 2.Inconsistencies between recreational and competitive sport programs emerge when, coaches pursue recreational objectives in competitive sports A recommended method of selecting team members is to: A study found that positive leader-member exchanges are likely to increase a leader's: The leader of a particular group decides to conduct personal meetings with his team members, to understand how they feel about their positions in the team. Satisfaction guaranteed. True or false: to be successful learning must continue even after the end of one's formal education. A quality of being an effective mentor is actively steering protgs into important projects, teams, and jobs. isn't a part the employee's Posted True/False. An individual's preference for the type of praise should be taken into account. Referees shall make decisions on any points not specifically covered in the rules. texas football coaching staff directory. definition to the relevant coaching need: generally all staff directly affected will. Both coaching and mentoring are focused exclusively on day-to-day performance. This is most likely an example of ________. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a divisional structure? All of the following are duties of the scorer, EXCEPT: All of the following situations result in a violation, EXCEPT: All of the following describe general duties of any game official, EXCEPT: The head coach is assessed a direct technical foul if team members are permitted to leave the bench area and/or playing court for an unauthorized reason. Effective mentoring does not require trust. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A) providing mentoring opportunities to support growth B) participating in career development discussions C) providing timely performance feedback, a) providing mentoring opportunities to support growth, Which of the following refers to an organized learning event in which participants conduct self-assessments, set goals, and develop action plans? c. When a foul by either team occurs before the throw-in ends. The notion that a person being coached must want to change; assessments are important; some behaviors cannot be changed; practice is critical; and there is no substitute for accountability are all ________. b. Laws and ordinances do not differ from state to state. The primary purpose of talent management is to ensure that employees develop the skills they need to experience success throughout their careers. e. B1 has the ball accidentally hit his/her lower leg. A recommended tactic for developing teamwork is to explain to a team that it has: A recommended way of being a model of teamwork is to: An example of a physical structure to facilitate communication among team members is a: shared physical facility such as a beverage lounge. A relationship and empathic listening may help develop solutions. A) performance management B) human resource management C) management by objectives D) talent management, Employers that focus on talent management are primarily interested in retaining ________. Which of the following is most likely to be the cause of a glass ceiling in a, encouragement from peers and senior managers does help women advance, Which of the following is the first step in the process of developing a succession, Identifying the positions that are included in the plan, The process of developing a succession plan consists of the following, sequential steps: (1) Identify what positions are included in the plan. True/False. 1Which of the following statements about coaching is NOT true? simplify language for easier communication. Women constitute approximately 40% of the workforce, but hold less than 2% of top management positions. Coaching involves helping employees find experts who can assist them with their concerns. The following phrase may be capitalized incorrectly. In which stage of the GAPS analysis is 360 degree feedback helpful? They are discouraged.,They feel insecure.,They don't get recognition for their positive behaviors. Were the solution steps not detailed enough? He consistently provides, oversight, control, moral guidance, and caring protectiveness. coaches pursue competitive objectives in recreational sports, 2.Both recreational and competitive sports can be valuable to athletic participation as long as, the long-term goal of development is the emphasis. Frustrated supervisors, who, unable to fire someone because of HR, resort to, punishing the employee in other ways. Which of the following is not a good source of information for leaders to identify areas for personal improvement? A) food services B) financial services C) healthcare services D) educational services, As an employer, what is the primary benefit of cutting a high turnover rate? Reality shock occurs when a new employee's high expectations confront the reality of a boring job. Elizabeth wants to maximize the value of her journal. b. B) Protgs have more respect for mentors who work two levels above their own rank in a firm, a) mentoring programs are more effective for male than for female employees, How do firms use tech for career development programs? Which of the following statements about mentoring and coaching is true? __________ analysis includes goals, actions, perceptions, and standards. The ball is out of bounds in all of the following situations, EXCEPT: A traveling violation results if A1, while holding the ball, touches the floor with a knee or any other part of the body other than hand or foot. This way coaching and mentoring are different too. a) A career is short-term job b) A career is a series of steps or accomplishments working towards a lifelong ambition or goal c) Most careers do not require any education or special training d) A career is any activity in exchange for payment 7.The following are examples of extrinsic reward. She is the founder of My Infinite Ways which helps clients to embrace their imperfections and accept their self-image. The international media's doubts proved to be true. A) mentoring B) coaching C) appraising D) grading, The rate at which employees leave a firm is best known as ________. D) "I enjoy talking to co-workers. Which of the following linguistic characteristics tend to be primarily used by women more than men? The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Psych 251 Quiz Three: Trauma and Stress Relat. 2.Coaches must often make decisions between victory and the athlete's long-term development as a human being. A) paraphrasing information during a discussion B) focusing only on short-term skills C) asking closed-ended questions D) providing general feedback, _____ is a process for enabling employees to better understand & develop their career skills & interests & to use them most effectively within the company & afterwards. A) fewer repeat customers B) higher performance levels C) lower turnover rates D) better corporate earnings, According to research cited in the text, what is the primary reason that top-performing/high commitment employees gave for voluntarily leaving an organization? Coaches need to label athlete behavior so athletes can connect their behavior with the character principle it represents. A held ball occurs when an opponent places his or her hand(s) on the ball and prevents an airborne player from throwing the ball or releasing it on a try. ______ is the best way to become a technical expert. Simulation is not beneficial for the purpose of coaching and training as it fails to, Some coaching situations may warrant the training to be taken off site, known as off-, The following are examples of how the need for coaching could be identified. establishing game protocols, 3.Team tradition pertains to all of the following except, 3.In coaching, important communication skills include, consoling True/False. During a dribble from backcourt to frontcourt, the ball is in the frontcourt when both feet of the dribbler and the ball touch the court entirely in the frontcourt. Improving team building skills would be part of which element of an individual development plan? The company placed a strategic emphasis on developing markets for this product. A) Mentoring; coaching B) Coaching; mentoring C) Recruiting; coaching D) Appraising; training, You coach an employee who is struggling with work assignments. True/False. Privacy Policy. After, she will look up opportunities that fit & set specific career goals. Example 1. A) employer B) employee C) recruiter D) HR manager, All of the following are the role of the employer in an employee's career development EXCEPT ________. d. May call the referee back to make the correction. Compare and contrast the types of supervision- Theory X and Y and free-rein leadership. The leader in this case wants to know if the group members are satisfied with the appreciation they get. Which of the following are the typical features of leaders with high levels of technical competence compared to those with lower levels of technical competence? = 45/20 C.Mentors are typically not the employee's direct supervisor. The key to developing a coaching philosophy is philosophy is defined as the beliefs or principles that guide actions. In the past, character development was a function of all of the following except. 8.Which of the following statements regarding team routines for team discipline is false? 3 years ago, Posted Denzel Washington as a Jamaican police officer, DenzelWashingtonasaJamaicanpoliceofficer\underline{\text {Denzel Washington as a Jamaican police officer}} The warehouse-type stores all sell the same broad range of affordable home furnishings, kitchens, accessories, and food. d. An appropriate health-care professional. In which activity is Jackie most likely participating? A) providing employees with proper training B) discussing career plans with workers C) selecting the right workers D) identifying worker goals, According to surveys, high levels of employee engagement are LEAST frequently associated with ________. Coping with situations beyond your control. .StoLt and (icorcc Moodle Activity SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills Week 1 Question 1: The following statements related to coaching are: (Answer true or false in space provided) True or False The term coaching indicates a more hands-on instruction of commonly used skills, which do require formal training sessions. Coaches can build a dynamic team culture by, recognizing and rewarding athlete behavior, performance, and effort The CTFAR technique helps you analyze how your thoughts about a circumstance may affect your emotions, actions, and finally the results you are experiencing. FALSE Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar, 754206. sober cruises carnival; portland police activity map; guildwood to union station via rail Get plagiarism-free solution within 48 hours, Submit your documents and get free Plagiarism report, (Rate this solution on a scale of 1-5 below). Coaching is focused on long-term development. Which of the following terms refers to educating, instructing, and training subordinates? Sonia is an Achievement Coach, an Entrepreneur, Business Consultant, Philanthropist, a mother of two boys and who is also passionate about life. Which is true of a good development plan? Sign up here . Identified the task that Nick need not perform during the first two months of his new job. = 2 5/20 . Most employees who continue working after retirement age must do so because of their financial instability. A) competency-based job analysis B) career planning workshop C) job instruction training D) management retreat, All of the following are types of career development initiatives implemented by employers EXCEPT ________. Technical or professional situations. Which of the following is true of voluntary turnover? A) "I work with intensity." 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. 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MAGISTERIAL PR()CKKI)I Nt ;s. f By Telegraph. If there is less than 3 feet between the guard and a boundary line, the dribbler has the greater responsibility for the contact. or a complete sentence. He Kexin's fall in the qualification had no bad effect on . A career planning workshop helps employees identify their interests, set career goals, and practice career skills. A) True.