Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE New path I-BY65928>I-BY61100 Y-DNA:N-Y4706 Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE mtDNA:J1c3f, Sample:VK519 / Norway_Nordland 4691b Y-DNA:N-Y30126 Y-DNA:R-S2895 Y-DNA:R-S22676 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:K1b1c, Sample:VK313 / Denmark_Rantzausminde Grav 2 mtDNA:H1-C16239T, Sample:VK175 / UK_Oxford_#19 08-06-2013, 01:11 AM #2 DLRowe77 Junior Member Posts 1 Sex The clade is also found everywhere in Central Asia and deep into North Asia, as far east as Mongolia. Location:Hedmark, Nor_South, Norway Y-DNA:I-Y20861 Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:H28a, Sample:VK505 / Estonia_Salme_I-2 Age:Viking 880-1000 CE Age:Early Viking 8th century CE mtDNA:H10e. welliott FTDNA Customer Join Date: Aug 2017 Y-DNA:I-CTS10228 Y-DNA:I-BY67763 Y-DNA:R-L513 mtDNA:U3b1b, Sample:VK380 / Oland_1078 Age:Viking 10-13th centuries CE mtDNA:V7b, Sample:VK363 / Denmark_Bogovej BT FTDNA Comment:Shares 8 SNPs with a man from Russia. mtDNA:J1c2c1, Sample:VK295 / Denmark_Hessum sk 1 mtDNA:K2b1a1, Sample:VK515 / Norway_Nordland 4512 Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden mtDNA:H1cg, Sample:VK138 / Denmark_Galgedil AQQ It is strongly represented in Europe today although it extends into North Africa and Asia. Age:Viking 9th century CE Age:Viking 850-900 CE FTDNA Comment:Joins 2 other ancients on this rare branch. Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Location: Hedmark, Nor_South, Norway Derived for 4, ancestral for 1. mtDNA:J1b1a1, Sample:VK369 / Denmark_Bakkendrup losfund-2, conc.1 Location:Karda, Sweden Y-DNA:T-Y138678 Do a browser search on this article to see if your haplogroup is shown. Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK New branch = R-FT108043 Sample:VK160 / Russia_Kurevanikka_7283-3 mtDNA:J1c2c1, Sample:VK419 / Norway_Nordland 1522 mtDNA:K1a4d, Sample:VK264 / UK_Dorset-3744 FTDNA Comment:Shares 17 SNPs with a man from the UAE. Y-DNA:R-YP1026 mtDNA:H4a1a4b, Sample:VK170 / Isle-of-Man_Balladoole FTDNA Comment:Splits I2-FT12648, derived for 5, ancestral for 7. Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Age:Viking 900-1050 CE mtDNA:T2a1a, Sample:VK482 / Estonia_Salme_II-P Location:Oland, Sweden Y-DNA:R-Y96503 The clade is also found everywhere in Central Asia and deep into North Asia, as far east as Mongolia. mtDNA:H27, Sample:VK382 / Oland_1132 mtDNA:H5, Sample:VK48 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-212/65 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Age:Viking 10th century CE mtDNA Haplogroup T mtFULL - for updated haplogroups please join T1 and T2 projects - mtDNA Test Results for Members . [1] Some non-basal T clades are also commonly found among the Niger-Congo-speaking Serer due to diffusion from the Maghreb, likely with the spread of Islam.[12]. Y-DNA:I-BY73576 Y-DNA:I-Y103013 Haplogroup T is composed of two main branches T1 and T2. New path = R-Y32857>R-Z27210 Y-DNA:I-FT347811 Y-DNA:I-FGC35755 Age:Viking 10th century CE He almost surely belongs to a branch under Q-Y2200. Shares 2 C>T mutations with a Y15161* kit At the same time a new branch was discovered that groups this new Ancient/American branch with the established I-FT274828 branch. mtDNA:H1c21, Sample:VK408 / Russia_Ladoga_5757-18 Location:Bakkendrup, Sealand, Denmark Location:Galgedil, Funen, Denmark Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Y-DNA:E-Y4971 FTDNA Comment:FT83323- Y-DNA:N-FGC14542 mtDNA:J1b1a1a, Sample:VK424 / Sweden_Skara 273 Y-DNA:R-PH1477 Y-DNA:I-FT115400 Y-DNA:I-M253 mtDNA:U5a1b-T16362C, Sample:VK174 / UK_Oxford_#18 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Forms a new branch down of I-FT3562 (P109). Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Y-DNA:R-FT103482 Abstract In 1998, a Viking Age mass grave was discovered and excavated at St. Laurences churchyard in Sigtuna, Sweden. What have you discovered? Location:Oppland, Nor_South, Norway Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE mtDNA:W6. Location:Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset, Dorset, England, UK Y-DNA:R-BY97519 The alternative SNP names are provided as shown on the ISOGG Y-SNP tree . Age:Viking 10th century CE Y-DNA:L-Z5931 FTDNA Comment:Joins ancient Estonian samples V9 and X14 Location:Ladoga, Russia Age:Viking 858 68 CE mtDNA:H1a1, Sample:VK469 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-260 This article is about the human mtDNA Haplogroup T. For the unrelated human Y-Chromosome Haplogroup T-M184, see, harv error: no target: CITEREFBermisheva2002 (, harv error: no target: CITEREFKivisild_and_Metspalu2003 (, harv error: no target: CITEREFvan_Oven2008 (, harv error: no target: CITEREFSanger2007 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFChinnery2007 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFGonzlez2012 (, harv error: no target: CITEREFMishmar2002 (, harv error: no target: CITEREFRuiz-Pesini2000 (, harv error: no target: CITEREFIvanov1996 (, human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups, "Genetic Heterogeneity in Algerian Human Populations", "Out of Arabiathe settlement of island Soqotra as revealed by mitochondrial and Y chromosome genetic diversity", "Mitochondrial DNA Signals of Late Glacial Recolonization of Europe from Near Eastern Refugia", http://haplogroup.org/sources/mitochondrial-dna-signals-of-late-glacial-recolonization-of-europe-from-near-eastern-refugia/, "Direct evidence for positive selection of skin, hair, and eye pigmentation in Europeans during the last 5,000 y", "Ancient Egyptian mummy genomes suggest an increase of Sub-Saharan African ancestry in post-Roman periods", "Genomic Analyses of Pre-European Conquest Human Remains from the Canary Islands Reveal Close Affinity to Modern North Africans", "Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - Medical Encyclopedia", "mtDNA Haplogroup T Phylogeny Based on Full Mitochondrial Sequences", "Mitochondrial DNA structure in the Arabian Peninsula", "The population history of the Croatian linguistic minority of Molise (southern Italy): A maternal view", "Sephardic signature in haplogroup T mitochondrial DNA", "Counting the founders: The matrilineal genetic ancestry of the Jewish Diaspora", "A "Copernican" Reassessment of the Human Mitochondrial DNA Tree from its Root", "Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups and type 2 diabetes: A study of 897 cases and 1010 controls", "Mystery Solved: The Identification of the Two Missing Romanov Children Using DNA Analysis", "Phylogeographic analysis of mitochondrial DNA in northern Asian populations", "MtDNA polymorphisms in five French groups: Importance of regional sampling", "The Arabian Cradle: Mitochondrial Relicts of the First Steps along the Southern Route out of Africa", "Lineage-specific selection in human mtDNA: Lack of polymorphisms in a segment of MTND5 gene in haplogroup J", "Disruptive mitochondrial DNA mutations in complex I subunits are markers of oncocytic phenotype in thyroid tumors", "Whole-mtDNA Genome Sequence Analysis of Ancient African Lineages", "Genetics, Environment, and Diabetes-Related End-Stage Renal Disease in the Canary Islands", "Genetic Patterns of Y-chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Variation, with Implications to the Peopling of the Sudan", "mtDNA and the Islands of the North Atlantic: Estimating the Proportions of Norse and Gaelic Ancestry", "Genetic Diversity among Ancient Nordic Populations", "Mitochondrial DNA sequence heteroplasmy in the Grand Duke of Russia Georgij Romanov establishes the authenticity of the remains of Tsar Nicholas II", "Ethiopian mitochondrial DNA heritage: Tracking gene flow across and around the gate of tears", "African Y chromosome and mtDNA divergence provides insight into the history of click languages", "MtDNA analysis of Nile River Valley populations: A genetic corridor or a barrier to migration? Location:Church2, Faroes Y-DNA:R-FT264183 Users in this group may want to share their family trees with each other to find overlaps and merge duplicate profiles in order to join or expand the World Family Tree and discover new . Michael Sager is making comments as he reviews each sample. Many of these lineages would have settled at first in Southeast Europe. Rough estimations based on these numbers imply that, including me . Y-DNA:R-BY2848 Y-DNA:I-BY86407 The two of them have very different distributions, which are diametrically opposed in most regions. FTDNA Comment:Splits I-BY3430. mtDNA:H7d4, Sample:VK71 / Denmark_Tollemosegard-BU Y-DNA:I-Y5362 I among Vikings. Age:Viking 9-10th centuries CE Age:Iron Age 100 CE Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:H7, Sample:VK542 / Ukraine_Chernigov mtDNA:H1-C16239T. Y-DNA:R-BY10450 Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:H7a1, Sample:VK225 / Iceland_A108 mtDNA:H3ag, Sample:VK167 / UK_Oxford_#5 Y-DNA:I-FGC15543 Go to your Y or mitochondrial DNA results and find your haplogroup. Derived for 1 ancestral for 5. For example, Doug McDonald maintains a map of the distribution of haplogroups at www.scs.uiuc.edu/~mcdonald/WorldHaplogroupsMaps.pdf. mtDNA:T2b3b, Sample:VK101 / Iceland_125 Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE New branch = N-BY160234 9-22-2020 last update A total of 285 entries analyzed and placed on the FTDNA tree where appropriate. Location:Troms, Nor_North, Norway mtDNA:H5, Sample:VK219 / Russia_Ladoga_5680-10 mtDNA:HV6, Sample:VK547 / Norway_Nordland 4727 mtDNA Haplogroup T1a Phylotree History Phylotree.org is the maternal (mtDNA) tree of humanity. All Contents Copyright 2001-2023 Gene By Gene, Ltd. Y-DNA:R-A7982 Location:Tollemosegrd, Sealand, Denmark Y-DNA:R-S10185 mtDNA:H2a1, Sample:VK343 / Oland_1021 Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK mtDNA:H2a2a1, Sample:VK494 / Poland_Sandomierz 1/13 Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Y-DNA:I-BY67827 Y-DNA:R-P310 mtDNA:H10, Sample:VK177 / UK_Oxford_#21 Y-DNA:I-Y22478 Y-DNA:N-L1026 Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Y-DNA:I-S14887 Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups have not been recalculated, but you just might see them in the Million Mito Project. FTDNA Comment:Possibly forms a branch down of I-Y15295. The geographic distribution within subclade T2 varies greatly with the ratio of subhaplogroup T2e to T2b reported to vary 40-fold across examined populations from a low in Britain and Ireland, to a high in Saudi Arabia (Bedford 2012). Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Age:Viking 880-1000 CE Location:Rantzausminde, Funen, Denmark mtDNA:T2b6a, Sample:VK220 / Russia_Ladoga_5680-11 Location:Ingiridarstadir, Iceland Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden Y-DNA:R-Z16372 Y-DNA:R-YP1370 Y-DNA:R-L448 Y-DNA:G-Z1817 mtDNA:H1b, Sample:VK315 / Denmark_Bakkendrup Grav 16 Y-DNA:N-Y10933 FTDNA Comment:Shares 3 SNPs with a man from Sweden. Location:Newark_Deerness, Orkney, Scotland, UK Y-DNA:I-Y19934 FTDNA Comment:Shares 8 SNPs with a man from France. mtDNA:H6a2a, Sample:VK452 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-111 mtDNA:H16, Sample:VK484 / Estonia_Salme_II-Q Location:Brondsager_Torsiinre, Sealand, Denmark Y-DNA:I-FGC8677 mtDNA:H6a1a5. Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE mtDNA:HV-T16311C! It is usually symptom-less and increases the risk of sudden cardiac death, which often happens to those of as early in life as teenagers and may affect those who are active and have no other risk factors.[14]. Sample:VK153 / Poland_Bodzia B1 New branch = NBY149019. Y-DNA:R-BY58559 mtDNA:H13a1a1a, Sample:VK395 / Sweden_Skara 275 Y-DNA:I-BY78615 [2], Wilde et al. Age:Viking 10th century CE mtDNA:U5b1b1-T16192C! FTDNA Comment:Splits R-YP5155. Y-DNA:R-S6752 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Location:Kurevanikha, Russia In human genetics, Haplogroup I-M253 is a Y chromosome haplogroup which occurs at greatest frequency in Fenno-Scandia. Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Forms a branch down of I-CTS8407 (P109). Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Age:Viking 880-1000 CE T1a1: 15: 130856: Dorde Mrtensdr Bjrk-Huggare 1630-1675 Kronoby FI: Finland: T1a1: T16093Y, T16126C, A16129G, A16163G, C16186T, T16187C, T16223C, G16230A, T16278C, C16294T, C16311T: Y-DNA:R-YP6189 Y-DNA:I-Y19932 Location:Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset, Dorset, England, UK Y-DNA:L-L595 Location:Church2, Faroes 05-15-2015, 03:55 PM #2 Kale Registered Users Posts 2,721 You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Y-DNA:I-FT49567 Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Age:Viking 829 57 CE Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia mtDNA:I4a, Sample:VK421 / Norway_Oppland 3777 Y-DNA:N-BY21973 A painting by Peter Nicolai Arbo, a Norwegian historical painter. New branch = R-Y96503 FTDNA Comment:Shares 1 SNP with a man from Sweden. New branch = R-FT383000 Y-DNA:I-Y4738 Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK Location:Oland, Sweden mtDNA:H1m, Sample:VK473 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-126 Age:Viking 8-11th centuries CE mtDNA:J1c1a, Sample:VK16 / Russia_Ladoga_5680-2 mtDNA:J1c2c2a, Sample:VK157 / Poland_Bodzia B5 This does NOT increase the price you pay but helps me to keep the lights on and this informational blog free for everyone. Forms a new branch down of N-Y7795. Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE mtDNA:H2a1, Sample:VK438 / Gotland_Frojel-04498 Y-DNA:R-CTS11962 The most important or identifiable haplogroup for Vikings is I1, as well as R1a, R1b, G2, and N. The SNP that defines the I1 haplogroup is M253. Location:Trondheim, Nor_Mid, Norway Location:Frojel, Gotland, Sweden Subdividing Y-chromosome haplogroup R1a1 reveals Norse Viking dispersal lineages in Britain Eur J Hum Genet. Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE The observation of haplogroup I in the present study (<2% in modern Scandinavians) supports our previous findings of a pronounced frequency of this haplogroup in Viking and Iron Age Danes. Location:Telemark, Nor_South, Norway Location:Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset, Dorset, England, UK Y-DNA:R-YP4932 Age:Viking 10th century CE Age:Iron Age 1st century CE Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE They also share one unique marker (26514336 G>C). Age:Viking 10th century CE Age:Early Viking 700 CE H1 is a mitochondrial DNA haplogroup that is very diverse and fairly widespread. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Location:Nordland, Nor_North, Norway mtDNA:K1c1, Sample:VK269 / Sweden_Karda 24 { Source: Finding Your Roots} Robert John Downey Jr. Downey is a US TV and movie actor. Y-DNA:R-BY110718 mtDNA:H13a1a1e, Sample:VK534 / Italy_Foggia-869 They found T2a1b in the Middle Volga region and Bulgaria, and T1a both in central Ukraine and the Middle Volga. mtDNA:H52, Sample:VK516 / Norway_Sor-Trondelag 4481 The Proto-Germanic Haplogroup SNP Y-DNA of I-M223, and I-M253 being major, plus R-U106 major carriers of the evolved Elwald-Ellot-Elliot surname line. Haplogroups can also be used to show the genetic distribution of individuals in a particular geographic area. Age:Viking 880-1000 CE Age:Early Norse 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:H3g1b, Sample:VK129 / Iceland_ING08 Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden Y-DNA:R-YP617 Y-DNA:I-FGC43065 Hervor dressed like a man, fought, killed and pillaged under her male surname Hjrvard. I don't know why they would have shown in your list in the past, unless they have since opted out of matching. Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE Age:Viking 847 65 CE Forms a new branch down of R-YP1395. VK2020 DNK Sealand LNBA ?! Y-DNA:R-L20 Age:Viking 10th century CE Location:Gnezdovo, Russia Location:Gnezdovo, Russia mtDNA:T2b11, Sample:VK44 / Faroe_17 T1a1 Y-DNA (M) R-U152-L2 mtDNA (P) H5k T1a1 - Any others here? Y-DNA:R-M198 Online ahead of print . Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Sample:VK510 / Estonia_Salme_I-7 Sample:VK332 / Oland_1088 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE mtDNA:U5a2a1b1. mtDNA:J1b1a1, Sample:VK388 / Norway_Nordland 253 Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia mtDNA:H1ao. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Age:Viking 10th century CE mtDNA:N1a1a1a2. If no T1a1 matches show in your HVR1 or HVR2 lists, they are at a genetic difference greater than 0; see below. The whole genome sequence includes the Y chromosome along with mitochondrial DNA, although it requires special processing to separate it usefully. Forms a branch down of I-BY98617 (L22). Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Age:Viking 6-10th centuries CE Location:Ladoga, Russia mtDNA:U8a2, Sample:VK367 / Denmark_Bogovej D Last edited by GogMagog; 05-16-2015 at 08:52 AM . New path = I-FT8660>I-FT8457 FTDNA Comment:Splits I-BY61100 (Z2041). T2c and T2d appear to have a Near Eastern origin around the time of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and more recent dispersals into Europe. Age:Viking 11th century Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia His Y-DNA is Q-M378 (previously Q1b). Age:Early Viking 8th century CE . About 33% of Norwegians fall under the I-M253 haplogroup. FTDNA Comment:Shares 2 SNPs with an American of unknown origins. Y-DNA:R-FT7019 Age:Viking 880-1000 CE Age:Early Viking 8th century CE The current build is #17. mtDNA:H1a1, Sample:VK414 / Norway_Oppland 1517 mtDNA:H3a1a, Sample:VK45 / Faroe_18 Y-DNA:R-FT381000 It is almost non-existent outside of Europe, suggesting that it arose in Europe. This phylogenetic tree of haplogroup I subclades is based on the paper (van Oven 2008) harv error: no target: CITEREFvan_Oven2008 (help) and subsequent published research (Behar 2012b). Derived for 2, ancestral for 1. mtDNA:T2b4b, Sample:VK40 / Sweden_Skara 106 New branch = I-FT49567 Age:Viking 850-900 CE mtDNA:T2b, Sample:VK289 / Denmark_Bodkergarden Grav H, sk 1 Mitochondrial DNA haplogroup, which means they are related along their maternal lines. New path = R-YP5155>R-Y29963 mtDNA:H1ai1, Sample:VK203 / Orkney_BY78, Ar. New branch = I-FT115400. Shares one C>T mutation with a BY195155* sample 1, sk 3 mtDNA:J1c1b, Sample:VK514 / Norway_Nordland 5195 Location:Church2, Faroes New branch = I-BY94803 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Age:Early Viking 8th century CE [10] Additionally, haplogroup T has been observed in ancient Guanche fossils excavated in Gran Canaria and Tenerife on the Canary Islands, which have been radiocarbon-dated to between the 7th and 11th centuries CE. Y-DNA:R-BY32008 Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Y-DNA:R-BY30937 Y-DNA:R-FT31867 Forms a new branch down of I-BY55382 (L22). Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Location:Ladoga, Russia mtDNA:U2e2a, Sample:VK532 / Kragehave Odetofter XL718 mtDNA:H5c, Sample:VK489 / Estonia_Salme_II- The Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups found were the same as those found nowadays in Europe, but with a much higher percentage of the now very rare haplogroups I and X. Haplogroups I and X are each found in only 1% of the modern European population. Location:Kaagrden, Langeland, Denmark mtDNA:U4b1a1a1, Sample:VK365 / Denmark_Bogovej BS New path = I-Y5612>I-Y5619 Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE Y-DNA:I-M253 Forms a new branch down of I-BY19383 (Z2041). Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Y-DNA:R-M269 VK151 has no coverage for 2 of these mutations Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia T is found in approximately 10% of native Europeans. mtDNA:HV9b, Sample:VK57 / Gotland_Frojel-03601 Location:Oland, Sweden FTDNA Comment:VK484 and VK486 both split R-FT103482 (Z283). Y-DNA:G-Y106451 Y-DNA:R-FGC52679 mtDNA:H6a1a3a, Sample:VK98 / Iceland_083 FTDNA Comment:Said to be brother of VK497 at I-BY86407 which is compatible with this placement, although no further Y-SNP evidence exists due to low coverage Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Location:029a, Eastern Settlement, Greenland LAV010, NA34, I7779, ble007, R55 and EDM124 are all non-R ancient samples that are U106+. Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Age:Early Viking 670-830 CE Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE mtDNA:W3a1, Sample:VK342 / Oland_1016 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE 442 Ancient Viking Skeletons Hold DNA Surprises Does Your Y or Mitochondrial DNA Match? Y-DNA:I-FT13004 On a PC, thats CTRL+F to show the find box. Age:Viking 10-13th centuries CE mtDNA:H1a1, Sample:VK150 / UK_Oxford_#14 The T maternal clade is thought to have emanated from the Near East (Bermisheva 2002) harv error: no target: CITEREFBermisheva2002 (help). Y-DNA:R-FT381000 mtDNA:H1b5, Sample:VK493 / Estonia_Salme_II- Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Compared with the most frequent haplogroup in the general population (that is, H and T clades), the T1a1 haplogroup has a HR of 0.62 (95% CI, 0.40 to 0.95; P = 0.03). mtDNA:U4b1b1, Sample:VK166 / UK_Oxford_#4 Y-DNA:R-FT103482 Y-DNA:R-S7759 Age:Viking 880-1000 CE Location:Bodzia, Poland Location:Nordland, Nor_North, Norway Location:Nordland, Nor_North, Norway mtDNA:T2b4-T152C! Y-DNA:R-BY27605 Age:Viking 880-1000 CE [citation needed], One study has found that among the Spanish population, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) also referred to as hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) is more likely to happen in those of T2 ancestry than those in other maternal haplogroups. It is thought that this group played an important role in spreading agriculture across Europe. Y-DNA:R-S18894 mtDNA:H2a2a1, Sample:VK320 / Denmark_Bogovej Grav S This conclusion has now come under fire from archaeologists. Location:Oppland, Nor_South, Norway mtDNA:T1a1q, Sample:VK148 / UK_Oxford_#12 Each build is a major update to the tree. Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Location:Ladoga, Russia Y-DNA:R-BY32357 mtDNA:H7, Sample:VK531 / Norway_Troms 5001A Y-DNA:R-YP1137 Location:Brough_Road_Birsay, Orkney, Scotland, UK mtDNA:K1a4a1b, Sample:VK529 / Norway_Nordland 642 Location:V051, Western Settlement, Greenland Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Location:Ladoga, Russia Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Y-DNA:I-FGC21682 New branch = I-BY108664 FTDNA Comment:Shares 1 SNP with a man from Denmark. Y-DNA:R-YP1395 If the haplogroup you are seeking is NOT shown in your direct upstream branches, you can type the name of the haplogroup into the search box. Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Kyle, a 53-year-old man from Texas, said that his GAT showed that he "had a Viking haplogroup" (I-M253) and that it confirmed a "Viking lineage" on . Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia The second way of establishing Viking connections through genetic genealogy was by taking Y-DNA tests which revealed a haplogroup associated with "Vikings" or Scandinavian populations. Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Y-DNA:R-FT7019 Y-DNA:I-S20602 Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Location:Nordland, Nor_North, Norway mtDNA:I1a1, Sample:VK291 / Denmark_Bodkergarden Grav D, sk 1 FTDNA Comment:Shares 5 SNPs with a man from Norway. Location:Bodzia, Poland Location:Bdkergarden, Langeland, Denmark New branch = I-BY198083 Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE , Iceland, and northwest Europe. FTDNA Comment:Shares 1 SNP with a man from Finland. Theres history waiting to be revealed. Age:Viking 10-13th centuries CE mtDNA:K1a4, Sample:VK430 / Gotland_Frojel-00502 Age:Viking 11-12th centuries CE By looking at the Y DNA SNPs of the tester, and the Y DNA SNPs of the ancient sample, I can see that the intersecting SNP is DF29, roughly 52 SNP generations in the past. mtDNA:K1a, Sample:VK445 / Denmark_Gl Lejre-A1896 Location:Alken_Enge, Jutland, Denmark mtDNA:H2a2a2, Sample:VK245 / Faroe_16 Given the recent split of haplogroup P and A00, these ancient samples hold HUGE promise. Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden mtDNA:U5a1a, Sample:VK75 / Greenland late-0929 mtDNA:J1c3e1, Sample:VK147 / UK_Oxford_#11 Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Age:Viking 10th century CE Y-DNA:I-Z73 [11], In Africa, haplogroup T is primarily found among Afro-Asiatic-speaking populations, including the basal T* clade. Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia The mtDNA haplogroup came back as T2b, which is common in England, Iceland, and . Sample:VK144 / UK_Oxford_#8 Y-DNA:R-BY92608 Certain medical studies had shown mitochondrial Haplogroup T to be associated with reduced sperm motility in males, although these results have been challenged (Mishmar 2002) harv error: no target: CITEREFMishmar2002 (help). mtDNA:J1b1b1, Sample:VK218 / Russia_Ladoga_5680-4 There are also more detailed mtDNA tests available for those who wish to close the gap towards the modern period (equivalent to the BigY result). Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Age:Early Norse 10-12th centuries CE Y-DNA:N-S23232 In human population genetics, mitochondrial (mtDNA) haplogroups define the major lineages of direct maternal (female) lines back to a shared common ancestor in Africa.In human genetics, Haplogroup T is a predominately Eurasian lineage.. mtDNA:H6a1a, Sample:VK418 / Norway_Nordland 1502 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE mtDNA:H1s, Sample:VK582 / SBM1028 ALKEN ENGE 2013, X2244 Location:149, Eastern Settlement, Greenland FTDNA Comment:Possibly falls beneath I-BY195155. Location:Oland, Sweden Age:Viking 8-9th centuries CE The largest single group are probably Jewish, then Finnish. New branch = R-FT304388 New branch = I-FT118954 Location:Ladoga, Russia Location:Ship_Street_Great, Dublin, Ireland mtDNA:T1a1b, Sample:VK431 / Gotland_Frojel-00487A Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Y-DNA:R-BY176639 Age:Viking 6-10th centuries CE R1a1a1 (M417) was the most common haplogroup in the Corded Ware Culture (CWC) and was probably found before in the Pontic-Caspian steppe in cultures such as the Sredny Stog in Ukraine, which in my opinion may not have been originally Indo-European, but eventually became Indo-Eu Continue Reading More answers below Lars Eidevall Location:Oland, Sweden Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Y-DNA:R-P312 New branches = I-Y16449>I-BY72774>I-FT382000 Location: Hvalba, Faroes mtDNA:H1-T152C! mtDNA:H3h, Sample:VK344 / Oland_1030 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE They share one marker FT381000 (26352237 T>G) Y-DNA:R-BY166065 Y-DNA:R-FT148754 mtDNA:H2a2b, Sample:VK403 / Sweden_Skara 217 Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE mtDNA:J1d, Sample:VK475 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-187 Age:Viking 11-12th centuries CE mtDNA:U3a1, Sample:VK426 / Sweden_Skara 216 FTDNA Comment:Shares 2 SNPs with a man from Switzerland. mtDNA:H1a, Sample:VK373 / Denmark_Galgedil BER
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